What Makes You Happy?

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

People have many ways that they can be content with their lives, but what are your routes?

Here Are My Thoughts

It's easier to make a purpose & get what you want than to deal with your feelings & be at peace.

Both ways are meant to attain the same thing; happiness. Two different ways and one is judged upon and labelled as crazy. The other one is heroic.

Just a thought on two different routes to happiness Yus I personally think a mixture of both is the best option.

A state of no anxiety and removal of worry is the ultimate happiness. (Or is required to achieve ultimate happiness)
This can be achieved through a stoics approach as well; people mix a Epicureans idea with an idea from Stoicism.


If you are unhappy it is your fault, if I call you a derogatory term you determine what I said was meant to make you unhappy thus you choose to be unhappy from it.

The thing about feelings is that you can't lie to yourself. It is true your perception of "abuse" ultimately determines whether or not you'll be happy, but keep in mind we are taught to react to different subjects. So truthfully it is not your fault, and once you internalise that you can set yourself free.

On the other hand, you can simply chase after the high's of goals and dreams. Like all the rappers and stars who "made it from nothing". Although I don't truly believe that.

Once you understand the unhappiness syllogism you become 'free' as you say, I agree utterly.
However, when I use the word 'fault' I don't mean it to sound like we use the word conventionally.

The only reason it is their fault is that they haven't been exposed to the philosophy, or haven't comprehended it and embraced it if you consider ignorance a fault.

I understand we're taught to react to different subjects but this only renders the fault mutual.


Basically I think happiness is when you think your life is heading in the right direction.


I think my sense of happiness decreases when I think too much about it. I tend to be happiest when I just am. Just living the moment.

Happiness often times finds me when I am playing with my kids, when I am writing (as on Steemit), when I do creative work while drinking a cup of coffee, just to name a few.


well put! thank you!

A great range of discussion in this comments section- obviously an inspiring post!
I find happiness in appreciation of the simple things.

I guess that is true.
The very simple, little things in life seem to have the biggest impact on people.

Nice post.😉i think about happy thoughts... they can make you smile 😊

Keep staying positive! :)

Happiness is not the destination but it is the journey we are on now.

Well reaching happiness is a pretty hard journey and when you do arrive at your destination, it is only a matter of time before you leave.

What makes me happy
Are steemit users like you that have good post and potential
I am your new follower
Keep it up

Thank you so much for your kind words! :)

You are welcome

@arckrai, "happiness" to me, is the freedom to simply BE. I recognize there are a bajillion definitions and paths... but most seem focused around us as Human DO-ings or Human HAVE-ings... not Human BE-ings. I know that's an old cliché, but it holds very true for me...

When I am in a state of happiness-- I actually prefer the term "contentment"-- I am in a state where nothing needs to be done. I am simply enjoying being alive, in that moment.

Thanks for a thoughtful post!

Well I guess this is a state that many of us want to be in.
To do whatever we want without the restrictions of anyone or anything weighing us down.
Too bad that this feeling of Euphoria is only temporary but that is what makes it special.

I've always been a fan of Alan Watts, he has a way of discussing reality in a poetic way. Oh and @dreemit sent me here to check out your work, and I'm glad she did!

Alan Watts is one of my favourite philosophers to lift me up from the doom and gloom of the world.
I'm glad that you enjoy my work as well as I can't thank dreemit enough for her amazing support.

Yep dreemit is a big help to everyone here, and just so you know, dreemit is a 'she'. ;)

I know but I accidentally put 'his'
my bad

I think happiness is the difference between expectations and achievements.

ignorance to me is a self esteem issue in certain people and not having the knowledge of the topic you are being ignorant toward .Shallow in another sense . Knowledge is power yes ? Great post though !! would like to see more like it.

I'll be sure to make more surrounding the topic.
I have made similar blogs as well on life haha
Thank You.

I like what C.S Lewis said about seeking comfort over truth.

"If you look for truth, you may find comfort in the end; if you look for comfort you will not get either comfort or truth only soft soap and wishful thinking to begin, and in the end, despair." —C. S. Lewis

I totally agree with what C.S Lewis has to say as dreamers who in the end become apprehensive and anxious don't seem to get the happiness and pleasure which they ultimately want.

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