Are the burners at Burning Man being burned/brainwashed?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #philosophy7 years ago

Are the burners at Burning Man being burned/brainwashed?

I just stumbled onto a video/podcast/interview type of thing the other day with a lot of information that is very revealing.
It's over 5 hours long and I've only got like a half an hour or an hour into it. Not very much.
But.. According to the claims.. Apparently most of the original founders, or a significant amount of them were former military and not just former military but former military intelligence.
To me, that alone is enough to make me very suspicious.

And strangely enough.. I actually sort of got into a discussion about this not too long ago without even realizing it.

I made a post on Facebook and steemit about Bohemian Grove and I was pointing out how I thought it was weird that the rich and powerful elite of the world celebrate annually by burning a mock human sacrifice under a giant owl in the Redwoods..
And I was like.. Well, if the people in power do it.. Why aren't there more regular people doing it?
Is this something they are trying to keep to themselves? Cause it seems like they wanna infect everyone with much of their general sort of Satanic philosophy.

And 99% of the people agreed with the rhetoric of my question and they said stuff like.. "Yeah that is weird"
BUT... I got one guy who was pretty much a self proclaimd Satanist, or something very similar.. And he said Bohemian Grove is basically nothing but a summer camp for the powerful.
Also he said that some people DO light things on fire for celebration and pointed to the Burning Man..

I admitted that there were some interesting connections there, however.. The one at Bohemian Grove is much more a human model and it screams and dies in pain using audio techniques as it is being burned.
A lot different from one an effigy that does not scream and die in pain in my opinion.
I also pointed out how I thought it was likely that Burning Man was sort of an attempt for the occult to make some of their ideas more accepted and mainstream..
And that most of the people who go there probably have no idea about it's history and the deeper meanings of why they burn an effigy.

Now.. After listening to just a lil bit of this interview thingy, I feel vindicated.
It's looking more and more like Burning Man is a BIG experiment. Sort of like a big MkUltra case study.
If I was you, I'd be careful where you put your energy, you might be unwittingly finding yourself in an experiment where occult forces you're not even aware of are trying to get in your mind and condition it to beliefs that they revel in.
If you're not careful.. All those drugs and the music and the mind expanding experiences might not just transform you.. You might be "tranceformed".

Link to the video will be below for anyone curious.


you start off with a pretty shaky premise, that being that the founders of burning man were apparently former military (they were not; try musicians, artists, and other free spirits from San Francisco looking to celebrate the solstice on a baker beach).

tying the nature of bohemian grove to the nature of burning man based on the fact that they burn effigies of men is pretty thin. we have plenty of people in suburban areas that make furniture by hand...that doesn't make them amish.

having lived in SF for several years and known a very large number of people (both from the Bay Area and the Midwest who travel to BM EVERY YEAR), i can assure you that nearly all of them understand the history of the's the people who've never been who make all the weird, baseless claims that don't tend to know what they're talking about.

i feel like you're reading too much into the whole thing, personally. especially since i've actually spent time with people involved in it and who go every year.

you start off with a pretty shaky premise, that being that the founders of burning man were apparently former military (they were not

So the guy in the video is lying then?
Did you even listen to the video? It's over 5 hours long and one of the guys who is reporting all of this information has been going to burning man since the 90's. He's been there over 10 times, I think he has been going there long enough to speak about it.

I haven't personally verified the details about the founders being military, though when time permits I will get deeper into it.

tying the nature of bohemian grove to the nature of burning man based on the fact that they burn effigies of men is pretty thin. we have plenty of people in suburban areas that make furniture by hand...that doesn't make them amish.

Ummm... Yeah well, making furniture is really common, everyone needs it. Very few people burn human effigies. I don't think your handwaving away is fair of that. They are different.

It's like saying.. Oh.. People who love kids are everywhere thus there are no rapists.

And to be fair, I'm not saying there is for sure a connection, I'm saying there might be, and.. There might be. Burning effigies is not that common, I would not be SURPRISED AT ALL if they had common roots, or were even brought about by the same people.. It would actually make a lot of logical and reasonable sense.

having lived in SF for several years and known a very large number of people (both from the Bay Area and the Midwest who travel to BM EVERY YEAR), i can assure you that nearly all of them understand the history of the festival.

Sounds like you have a LOT less experience than the guy who is presenting all this information. No offense, it just sounds like you don't know very much compared to him. It looks like he's got many many years on you based on what you said.

OH.. And I REALLY HIGHLY doubt all of the people you interacted with understand the history, most people don't understand the history of almost anything they do. Lol. Most people just mindlessly consume.

i feel like you're reading too much into the whole thing, personally. especially since i've actually spent time with people involved in it and who go every year.

That's your opinion and you have the right to it, but.. I take the opinion of this guy who seems like he's been going there way longer than you and who has way more experience and knowledge of the subject. No offense, you just don't seem even close to as informed as the guy in the video.

After a quick google search, he's proof one of them was former military.
So.. You're already wrong, and I bet you anything.. I will find more as I look into it, cause I doubt the guy on the podcast was just making this shit up, if he was.. I don't think he would last very long doing what he is doing..

"In the 1960s, amid the Vietnam War, Mikel joined the U.S. Navy. He did a couple of tours, was briefly in Vietnam, where he earned a combat medal, he said, adding that he was was honorably discharged after five years."

Here's another one.. This guy isn't one of the original founders, but he's a NEW founder so to speak or rather has a prestigious position.. Who is former NAVY INTELLIGENCE/Department of defense.. HMMMM...

"Drew has little to no experience in land management or geology, but has held various management positions in the U.S. Navy throughout his career. He served as the executive officer for the U.S. Navy’s Southern Command Joint Intelligence Operation Center as well as an Intel officer and an enlisted aviation electronics technician."

Additionally it looks like the PLAYA used to be a military installation as well.

GOING FURTHER.. It looks like the first Burning man took place basically right on a military base. At the Presidio. And, it was done on the summer solstice, which is when it is done at Bohemian Grove as well.. Hello? I am vindicated again.. Not only is the ritual almost identical and pretty much done on a military base, originally it wasn't that far from the Bohemian Grove either.. Pretty close.

I think the connections and similarities are overwhelming and the evidence is quite incriminating, but.. Something tells me information like this is hard for you to accept.
All I can tell you is, the older I get the more I find the occult fingerprints virtually EVERYWHERE.. This is no surprise to me, it just makes logical basic common sense.

Cheese done slid right off the cracker didn't it?

Protip: if you WANT a thing to appear true to you, you will always be able to convince yourself it is. And if it's anti-establishment, you will always be able to find people telling you you're right.

You end up with an echo chamber of people just bouncing around crazier and crazier conspiracy.

Burning man is a lot of crappy things... Some occult or black ops conspiracy isn't on that list. No matter if someone founding is ex military or not.

I think part of the problem is that when trying to wake up and become more self aware, people are very confused and there is a lot of misinformation out there. If it's intentional or not, I can't say, but it wouldn't surprise me. I feel like a lot of mental health diagnosis are based on convincing people that there is something wrong with them and medicating them. Depression, as I view it, is trying to rationalize what you believe and what you project to the world and being stuck between those two paradigms. Many people are struggling to become self aware and self reliant and when they turn to people for help they get force fed pills and told they are crazy. Well the world is clearly insane as society does continually destructive things over and over again and doesn't seem to be stopping. Maybe you have to be a little crazy to not be insane.

"If you're not careful.. All those drugs and the music and the mind expanding experiences might not just transform you.. You might be "transformed"."
A very powerful information you are giving to the society by this statement! Really appreciate your effort and the work! Thank you very much for sharing such great article with us!

(My voting power is still regenerating, therefore please allow me three more days to provide 100% upvotes for your posts)


A great information and very good writing sir. your experiences is really article.

amigo #resteemia at your service

oh man that video burnt my data connection :( nice perception & impressive work @apolymask

'UpVote ReSteem Comment'

Great post my good friend. Also, I finished the painting of your fathers photo. I hope you like it.

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