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RE: "Mental Illness": How and what to learn from your mind breaking

in #philosophy8 years ago (edited)

Thank you so much for sharing this. I've had lots of transformation here recently. But I've been quite scared and don't understand it very well. I'm worried that I will become "insane"/psychotic / delusional. I do now have this kind of 'extra-sensory perception' which draws me to the most wonderful music, experiences and people - but it also makes me aware of various people's shadows or heavy energies that you're not supposed to know about. Sometimes it makes me feel quite threatened that I may know too much and will be persecuted for it.

Is there any shamanic people / websites/ resources that you'd recommend?


If I may...
this subject is vast....because from meditation you can go to many other places.
Meditation opens a door or for some people many doors...
To be more exact picture like this:

  • you meditate and enter in a altered state ...where you see something...that touches you. From that moment you are different, you have something "extra" (Good or bad, it doesnt matter)
    Now same thing from a scientific point of view:
  • you focus (meditate) and enter in a altered state, your brain goes from radieting alfa ways to exerting delta ways ( that means deep sleep, meditation, or even coma). When you push your focus more, your brain will exert different types of radiation ways.
    But for each human there is a wall or a place that they canot see or climb.
    All I can say @alexc is be carefull what you do...because there are so many beautifull things in the night.

Facing and overcoming our fears can be as tough as it is important. Large part of our minds are all about control (some call that part 'ego'), and letting go of control and fully trusting self and world can be easier said than done. It is much easier if one does not have to go through it all alone.

I don't know where you live, but if in North America, one possibility is Native American Church. We've had a Roadman from Arizona visiting yearly hereabouts and no complaints. :)

PS: a song by a friend of mine:

That's a tough one. You might try reading Robert Anton Wilson, and listening to some lectures from Terence McKenna.

The thing about the word "shaman" is that it can be a very general term. Using the word "healer" might be more helpful. Try asking around your circle of friends, maybe go to some hippie shops where they sell crystals and ask if they know anybody who knows about energy work... That might be a lead.

If you're on the rocket chat I can add you to our channel

I would recommend shiatsu or acupuncture.

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