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RE: Dear Diary: My Father Has a Flu Today but He is Faint-Hearted about it

in #philippines7 years ago (edited)

As much as we want to believe the opposite, parents are just ordinary people. It seems like an odd statement to say especially since we want them to be our heroes and protectors. Sometimes we have to be our own heroes or become their heroes.

It's not your fault, that you father is this way. Granted, he might not know how to deal with this situation called "life" and chooses to ignore it and ignore you.

As far as I am reading between the lines, you still have great respect for you father. It takes courage, love and a big heart to be this way.

Someday he will realize the damaged he has caused and it's going to be you who will decide if he is worthy of you to pardon him.

Much love,



My father doesn't want to fight for his rights, that what he is. He easily gives up, sadly and a people pleaser to the detriment of the family member.

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