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RE: Laying the Foundation - What Were Your Failures?

in #philippines7 years ago

There is no success without failure

I started network marketing when I was 17, friends and family just laughed at me when I said I'm gonna be rich. They said that's impossible, I believe them, it was my first failure.

Dropped out of college because of financial problem. I could have became a working student, I chose to be lazy, another failure.

Got terminated from a corporate job, I could have done better, another failure.

I could go on and on but my point here is that each time we fail, there's an opportunity to learn. And every time we learn, there's an opportunity to try again and give it another fight. It's up to us to on how to apply that learning to become successful.

This is such a nice article.

This is the kind of topic I would love to talk with you for hours and hours over a cup of coffee :-)

I'll be looking forward to your next article, I'll share my success stories by then.



Thank you @rye05. Your presence makes this post warmer. :)

You're welcome my friend :-)

Cheers to our success !

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