Manila Series 109 : "Durian"

in #philippines6 years ago

Found mostly in Southeast Asia, from Borneo to Indonesia and Malaysia, including the Philippines. From here, they came only from Davao and nowhere else. Famous for its' odour which can be carried down a block away and can linger for days, they are seasonal so for this reason, price ranges according to their availability.

Does anyone know how the smell came to be?

A chemistry graduate can answer this as from my research, it's difficult to understand. Has anyone heard of this?

"Getting intoxicated while eating durians can lead to death."

Is this a warning when eating Durian, is it a Fact or Myth? Try to read this here and perhaps it will be clearer and you are in the know?

Has anyone dared try to eat durian?

Growing-up in the Ilocos province, where most fruits being sold in the market came from Davao, it was very rare to see them being sold anywhere, let alone see them in our kitchen table. Only then when I was in college in Manila have I seen the actual fruit, usually in Quaipo when we were living in Sampaloc. The favourite of both my sisters, I've never been inclined to taste it due to the fact of its' smell.

Occasionally in London, China Town sometimes have a few being sold. The only chance that I had a taste of it was that time that a colleague from Davao brought some in candy form. They were ok. Well, sort of as the smell wasn't that strong, nor the taste was bad.


Up close and personal.

The opportunity came to taste it when yesterday, my sister and I saw some being sold in Divisoria. It's not in season so my sister wasn't keen to buy because of the price. It's about $5 per kilo, buying the whole fruit, ovaries and all of those spiky parts. My sis knowing I haven't tasted it bought this whole fruit which the vendor gladly clean it up.

Buy some if you love them so much?

The vendor gave us some plastic gloves as I wanted to taste it, i guess the anticipation was great to see what's the fuss all about.


Has anyone seen the inside of a Durian?

Accordingly, the size can grow up to 12 inches, compared to a jackfruit, it's way smaller. Also from these pictures, the inside of a durian is entirely different from that of a jackfruit.

Love it or hate it

Personally with the first bite, the texture felt weird. It didnt help that the smell is like that of sewerage. For the life of me, I can't name another fruit nor any food that I can compare it with. No offence, but it has a disgusting taste. Last night, seeing our eldest sister joyfully eating it made me try one more time. Now, with full resolve, of course I now know where I stand. Yesterday was the first and the last time I will be having Durian.


Now, who wants some?

They said, " Never say NEVER". What I can do is cross my heart hahaha? I can tolerate those candies though @dandalion. AYAW.

Let's face it, majority of Asians love this fruit. Who among here is a DURIAN person?

All images are mine, taken with my Samsung Galaxy S7.





Hi @immarojas,

Thank you for this blog of yours that highlights the popular Durian fruit of the Philippines. This fruit is misconcepted due to its smell but overall the taste is so good.

With that, we're grateful we have chosen this blog to be featured and upvoted by @onerace to empower impactful Philippines' Culture and Tradition blogs.

See link:

Oh thank you😆😉

For me, I really like Durian. No worries about the smell.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings about durian

Almost everyone who have commented love durian..thank you for commenting.
Are they in season where you are?

hahaha! AYAW ko rin. although I think you'd love the Durian cake from Lachi's and Cecil's. Red is a Durian guy but since I'm not, he eats his durian fruit sa labas ng bahay. lol

I can tolerate the smell...but it's baffling to see them eating them with enjoyment while it's disgusting to some. Am making another post about durian😍😍

I've had one encounter with this beast of a fruit in Vietnam. And barfed a little in my mouth (a little = a lot). Never again.
Props to you for trying it out Imma. Glad you lived to tell the tale.

It said "intoxicated" cherie...unfortunately I was sober!! My sisters were loving it ugh!

We have a case here in Bacolod that someone died because of durian. Because the person who ate durian is not educated about that it has high fat content that can trigger his hypertension as resulted to high blood.

Everyday sya eat? Besides hinde daw yan ang reason. Research ko nga further.

Does it taste as bad as it smells? I really cannot bring myself to taste it when i am in south-east Asia. I would describe it as the mango's cousin suffering from very bad halitosis, lol!

Really bad! But it amazes me though that a lot of people describe the taste as heavenly, errr it's not.😂🤣😁

Durian is everything, although a little expensive but the taste is heaven. Specially when you refrigirate it. mmmhm :)

Good on you ;)

I dont eat durian some friend told me its very tasty and healthy ;) have to try it to know. People differ with their taste😂🤣

of course,,i will try it.....i think every precious things is only to me

Of course☺

I love Durian very much. Almost every month I go to eat Durian.

Where do you buy them? Are they in season now where you are? Are they expensive?

I'm from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Usually,​ I will go to Say Heng Durian Stall in USJ, right now the durian is not expensive as it is Durian season.

In the's $3/kg when in season. Now is $5.
Are they being used in dishes??

I've never actually eaten one @immarojas although I've seen them many times and, obviously, smelt them too.

I always assumed that they tasted different from the smell!

I had not idea they were so expensive either so I wouldn't buy one. But if someone offered me a piece to try I would give it a go. 😁

I'll buy u some just to watch u eat it😂🤣
Some call it heavenly...majority do.

I will hold you to that @immarojas should we ever meet in the Philippines. You'll have to prepare it though! 😂

Fat chance! The vendor will with gloves on, if you're lucky, there's some pret-a-manger in the supermarket🤣😂😁

They're usually wrapped like this.

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