@surpassinggoogle 's Untalented Contest: "Who am I?"

in #philippines7 years ago

B – Being an Engineer is quite hard, a lot of expectations from you.
R – Revealing my good and bad traits is hard, many will judge mostly your bad traits and it’s kinda sad just like back then when I was still a college student I did so many good things to one of my friends but only one mistake makes all good things disappear.
O – Only few people really know me well, I usually play online games whenever I’m bored or play guitar.
K – Knowing my ups and downs always givevme challenge! Especially my downs, it makes me a better person.
E – Every now and then I dreamed to explore the world, there so many things in this world I wanted to go especially places like a good spot for an adventure.
M – Making Blogs is really new to me but as time goes by I learned so many things but here’s a catch! I make new friends! That a good thing right? 
A – Adventure in so many different places is one of my bucketlists, who wouldn’t right?
N – New things, branded stuff, cool gadgets is not really my things I prefer things that are memorable to me. I am more on letters, suprises, origamis call me old but hey its who I am 
C – CAR! Woooh! Is one of the items in my wishlist I hope 2 years from now I can buy it.
O – Only my parents and my love one’s especially my girlfriend inspire me to keep going in life they always advice me to be strong on whatever problems that will come.
D – Despite of the problems I have facing every single day I still manage to smile, I always think I don’t own all the problems in the world! So let’s just smile at them, Tomorrow is another day!
E – Enjoying life is what I aim every single day


Nicely done. Very creative post!

@cejero021 thank you so much! :D

Despite of the problems I have facing every single day I still manage to smile, I always think I don’t own all the problems in the world! So let’s just smile at them, Tomorrow is another day!

you have said it all bro. there are a lot of people with different problems. You are not alone in the struggle. But i can assure you that everything will get better

A friend of mine @surpassinggogle said

it will get better in the end and if it does not get better that means it is not the end.

@ewuoso thank you so much! i hope everything will be better.
@surpassingoogle sure has a lot of wisdom words :)

You are welcome

Thank you very much for participating.
i will need to do a full-blown reading over time. i decided to just stop by a bit for now. The turn-out has kept growing (currently around 200 posts that i have to read and counting and support with vote thus the delays with votes as well as the magnitude of votes. The experience has been awesome. I will come back for a full blown comment to empower you when i fully read. This is beyond a contest, so there will be a ton of variations to participate in, for fun, community and ultimately to bring about success in every facet, steemit and beyond. The whole endeavor is a curriculum from "school of life", raw down-to-earth stuff, without books involved; stemming from unadulterated love for humans; humans.
If you want to read some of the entries too: visit all the resteems on @steem-untalented

To understand better the gravity of this "untalented" initiative, read this post: https://steemit.com/life/@surpassinggoogle/if-you-can-t-find-a-stranger-to-love-love-me-and-entertain-freedom-when-you-do

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