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RE: PHC Top 3 Contest: My Top 3 Kids Tv Shows (null entry)

in #phctop35 years ago

It is horrible that it's mostly nonsense because of the fact that our kids are watching it. These kids are ever learning and so they learn to act like what they see on Tv, just like we did. It's hard for parents in the sense that we want our kids to watch good things and they want to watch the dumb things so bad! Maybe our parents went through the same thing who knows but at least they weren't empty shows. I remember a cartoon series, 'Captain Planet', where it was about saving the planet from pollution and fight against that bad guys and big companies that harmed the planet. Why don't we have that today when we need it the most?

I am on the PHC Top 3 Panel, so this entry is void. It helps to encourage those to take part and even remember what they might have forgotten. We are 4 total on the panel and we don't submit our entries for the judging. Would you like to join? It is a monthly contest and every month is a different topic. It is simple and fun and the prize pool is ever going. If you are interested, take a look at last months winner's post. There was a nice amount that had been won. Well worth participating ^_^ Here is the contest post if you would like to take part :)

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