Scary Characters - for the @phctop3 October Contest

in #phctop35 years ago (edited)

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How much has the Top3 panel been itching to launch this months contest, especially @foxyspirit, because she is the queen of all things Halloween?

If you would like a go this month then here is a link to the main post Top 3 Scary Characters

If you would like to know a bit more before taking the plunge then we have a Top3 Discord where you can look at the rules and frequently asked questions. You can also ask any questions that you have and we will quickly get back to you.

@phctop3 Discord Here

Oh, and that brilliant header image came from Image by Yuri_B from Pixabay

Here we go then!

Horror and scary stuff isn't really my bag! I say that but then I have always had a bit of a morbid curiosity, enough to have a little glance or check something out in the corner of my eye. And then, of course, it's too late. That image is there and you are not going to be able to remove it for ages, maybe even ever! Not all of this is visual, in fact far from it. The sound has, in some cases, more to do with scaring the knickers off of me than the visuals. Take Psycho, for instance! What would it be without the screechy noise? You know the one?

Or even worse, ruining a great piece of music because it becomes synonymous with one of the most famous horror movies ever!!

OK, you get the point. This leads me into my first memory of being scared, watching TV. Basil Brush was a personal hero of mine when I was 6. Oh, btw, you're going to need to be a Brit of a certain age for this one. Basil Brush was a puppet and a bit cheeky and very funny. It was kid friendly stuff. But once 'our Basil' said Boom Boom (his catchphrase) and then goodbye, my heckles were up and I knew what was coming. The bloody Doctor Who theme tune would kick in and I would completely brick it and hide behind the sofa. I still needed to watch it because I thought it was cool but the sofa protected me.

So I'm a big chicken! I'm a bit nervous of the dark, don't like cupboard doors left ajar and used to sleep with my head under the fact I still do. What? It's safer!

There are a lot of characters that have scared/scarred me over the years. Freddie Krueger being one. He nearly made the list but to be honest, he became a bit of a comedy character in the end so less scary. Anyway peer pressure has a lot to answer for! We were doing a sponsored stay awake at school, which seems really weird because I don't think they would even start to entertain that idea these days. So, 13 years old, middle of the night, lol probably 10pm but hey, I was 13! Some clever dick decides that it would be alright for the students to watch A Nightmare on Elm Street. Holy crap! I'm trapped. I have a few mates present plus a few cute girls who I would have been trying to impress, there's no way I can back out. Well that was the easiest night sleep I've missed in my life! and subsequently the next 50 odd! OMG.

Other shout outs. I have a favourite horror movie, using favourite very loosely. That would be The Exorcist. A brilliant bit of filmmaking. It's spooky, creepy, terrifying and a little weird. A very young Linda Blair plays Regan/The Demon. She is amazing and I can picture her face vividly to this day. Probably not helped by my git of a brother who keeps sending me her picture at random moments. Thanks Bruv!

I'm going to stop waffling and get to my three.

Choice number 1


I wasn't a particularly big reader at school. Any time not playing football was just wasted time in my young eyes. Until I chanced upon a book on my parent's bookshelf that looked completely untouched and had a cool looking cover. I asked my dad what it was and he replied "some weird book about wizards and little children that your Uncle Tony gave me."

My copy of the Ralph Bakshi covered 1978 second edition, Lord of the Rings.

I asked if I could borrow it and took it upstairs to my room. I was instantly blown away. This was a whole new world for me away from my obsession with playing football. Every day, without fail, I read pages and pages, enthralled at the story that was unfolding. The Ringwraiths were dark, mysterious and downright terrifying. The image that reading about them produced was vivid, evil and sinister. I got to a certain part of the journey where Frodo and the gang were on the road to Bree. This was Frodo's first real encounter with a Ringwraith and it gave me shivers.

Here is the excerpt from that part of the book:

'I can hear a pony or a horse coming along the road behind,' said Sam.
They looked back, but the turn of the road prevented them from seeing far. 'I wonder if that is Gandalf coming after us,' said Frodo; but even as he said it, he had a feeling that it was not so, and a sudden desire to hide from the view of the rider came over him.
'It may not matter much,' he said apologetically, 'but I would rather not be seen on the road by anyone. I am sick of my doings being noticed and discussed. And if it is Gandalf,' he added as an afterthought, 'we can give him a little surprise, to pay him out for being so late. Let's get out of sight!'
The other two ran quickly to the left and down into a little hollow not far from the road. There they lay flat. Frodo hesitated for a second: curiosity or some other feeling was struggling with his desire to hide. The sound of hoofs drew nearer. Just in time he threw himself down in a patch of long grass behind a tree that overshadowed the road. Then he lifted his head and peered cautiously above one of the great roots.
Round the corner came a black horse, no hobbit-pony but a full-sized horse; and on it sat a large man, who seemed to crouch in the saddle, wrapped in a great black cloak and hood, so that only his boots in the high stirrups showed below; his face was shadowed and invisible.
When it reached the tree and was level with Frodo the horse stopped. The riding figure sat quite still with its head bowed, as if listening. From inside the hood came a noise as of someone sniffing to catch an elusive scent; the head turned from side to side of the road.
A sudden unreasoning fear of discovery laid hold of Frodo, and he thought of his Ring. He hardly dared to breathe, and yet the desire to get it out of his pocket became so strong that he began slowly to move his hand. He felt that he had only to slip it on, and then he would be safe. The advice of Gandalf seemed absurd. Bilbo had used the Ring. 'And I am still in the Shire,' he thought, as his hand touched the chain on which it hung. At that moment the rider sat up, and shook the reins. The horse stepped forward, walking slowly at first, and then breaking into a quick trot.
Frodo crawled to the edge of the road and watched the rider, until he dwindled into the distance. He could not be quite sure, but it seemed to him that suddenly, before it passed out of sight, the horse turned aside and went into the trees on the right.

I thought it was a dark, scary moment that put me right in the story, brilliantly written and described.

Here is the scene in the 1978 Animated Lord of the Rings

And here it is in Peter Jackson's 2001 depiction:

Choice Number 2


I went to the cinema to watch this with my mate Geoff. I didn't really know anything about the movie, so I wasn't really prepared for what I was about to witness. Other than the gruesome imagery there is a kick ass folklore legend and myth type story to it but, yet again, the sounds are the most terrifying thing about it. The idea was that if you say Candyman three times he will appear and terrorise you. You gotta ask yourself, why the hell would you do it? Tony Todd plays the role of Candyman, magnificently.

And here is the trailer.

Choice Number 3

Reverend Kane

I'm 14 years old. My best mate is staying over and my parents have gone to bed! Let's watch a scary movie! Gulp! Ok. Dan my buddy was very much into anything that pushed boundaries. He was fairly naughty at school, especially towards the end of our school days. He grew up a lot faster than me. The sad news was that we grew apart and not long after this, maybe 4 or 5 years, he died of an overdose! Push those boundaries to the limit.... and beyond :(

So, what to choose? We were flicking through the channels and Poltergeist 2 was on. Again, not wanting to look like a baby, I agreed to watch it. It was horrible! All sorts of weird stuff going on. The weirdest, creepiest part of it was Reverend Kane played by Julian Beck. Emotionally scarred is the word. Out of all the things that my fragile little mind has witnessed, Kane is the creepiest. He actually died before the film was released and is considered one of the "Poltergeist cursed" Link here

After we finished watching the movie we went to bed. I was absolutely relieved that it was over but was trying to be cool and say that I liked it to Dan. In the middle of the night I got up to go to the toilet. It was pretty dark in my room and I could just see Dan on the floor. I stepped over him and opened the door. I left it slightly ajar. When I came back I slowly opened the door. As the light from the hallway leaked out into my room it moved over Dan and I noticed his eyes were open. I thought he was awake. I was wrong! I took one step into the room and Dan screamed out so loud that my heart still hasn't recovered. I turned and bolted as fast as I could into my parents room where I jumped on to their bed, probably giving them the fright of their life too. I was a 14 year old boy sat on my mum and dad's bed, crying my eyes out and my heart was jumping out of my chest. I am reliving it as we speak!

Before I have a nervous breakdown I'm going to finish and watch some Teletubbies or something!

Thanks for reading/watching. I hope you enjoyed my choices. I am one or the organisers of the contest so I cannot enter but my post will contribute to the prize pool.

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Curation Trail

We have a curation trail for @phctop3, which you can follow here to continue to add to the prize pool and the growth of the competition. Don’t forget to log into steemconnect.

Delegate to @phctop3:




Oh my gosh, where to start? So many things I can relate to here, especially keeping the blankets pulled up. I didn't have to have my head totally covered, but always my neck. Because it for sure repelled all those bogeymen in the night! I also think I caught my first glimpse of Freddy when I couldn't sleep one night and went downstairs to find my sister watching the movie. Big mistake. He may seem comical now, but he sure wasn't back then. The Exorcist still tops my list as the scariest, as well. I want to punch your brother for you for sending you the pictures, haha!

As for your actual top picks, some perfect scary creatures! I really need to go back and read Lord of the Rings. My dad had (has?) his original copy from the 70's, too. I think I tried getting into it when I was younger, but would appreciate it more now I think. Candyman, nope. Put him right up there with Bloody Mary. I'd rather walk around not knowing what the heck I look like than risk seeing them in the mirror. For your final one, just seeing his face in the still of that clip is enough to creep me out. Poltergeist is horror classic, though I can't say it's a classic I want to watch more than once.

This is definitely a fun month, but happy to be reminiscing without having to watch the full movies again! 😂

You don't cover your ears? Omg! How have you survived? Lol. Between you and me, I used to wear my mum's hat for protection, when I was 5! 😬

Freddie definitely wasn't the comical character that he ended up,vin the beginning. The idea of sleep deprivation terrifies me anyway, let alone the idea of someone try to kill you in your dreams. That's twisted!

The Exorcist is a masterpiece of terror. Weirdness and clever cinematography combined with a ridiculous score. Have you noticed the face that is there for one frame and then gone? The first time you see it you're not sure if you really did. I wouldn't argue that Regan/The Demon is the scariest character ever. My brother is mean! 😱

If you have the time; and quite frankly Katie, I don't think you do (crazy girl! Lol), then reading Lord of the Rings is and honour and a privilege. It's a story that is so detailed and made with such passion and love, that you cannot help but become entranced by it. I have lost count of the number of times since I was 14 that I have read it but it's around the 10 - 11 mark.

Candyman and Poltergeist 2 were probably made scarier because of my age and lack of experience. They certainly did a job on me. I've only ever watched them both once. I haven't even seen the original poltergeist. Lol.

Oh my gosh, the ears thing cracks me up. I think I had the sheets pulled all the way up, but kept my ears free just in case I heard something sneaking up in the dark. 😂

My sister used to scare me with worms (probably part of my snake phobia today) and other things, so I can relate to having a jerk sibling, haha!

Despite how busy things tend to get, I will always find time for a good book! That really is the ultimate recharge time for me. I would rather get up early to read than sleep in sometimes. Having an hour or two first thing in the morning to sit and enter another world is a true treat. Especially as the weather gets cooler. So nice to cozy up with a warm beverage and some literary friends. :)

Great choices Gaz! Nice bringing in the Ringwraith. It scared the crap out of me when I first read the book, I was barely a teenager at that point LOL.

Thanks @tryskele

A creature that used to be human. Says it all really. The book is so wonderfully detailed and really places you in the adventure with the other characters. As a 14 year old I was so excited to turn every page. Every scene that included the Ringwraith's, I swear my bedroom got a little colder 😬

So many great stories to share and a sad one about your school friend.

I'm like you Gaz, massive softy when it comes to horror movies and scary stuff... can't be doing with that! Writing my post tonight is going to give me nightmares anyway so thought I might as well go whole hog and read some other entries haha!

I never watched Candyman after hearing what happens when you say his name 3 times... I was like, nope, I'm staying away from that! Agree with the Ringwraith... what evilness must be behind the cloak... I don't want to know actually, purely a rhetorical question!

That scene you painted about jumping on your parents bed bawling is not too far away from what I did... particularly after watching Arachnophobia when I was 6 years old... jeez, that one messed me up for a long time haha! Not watched Poltergeist either... I gave horror a go... never again haha

Let's go back to our Top 3 spreadsheet for a retreat hey!

Hell yeah. To many stressful memories there. Spreadsheet life for us, mate! Lol

It was really sad about Dan. He was on a path of self destruction for a little while. He was a good guy. We used to play d&d together and other geeky stuff. He was a different person when he left us. ☹️

Lots of reflection today! Onwards and upwards. It's a good topic for everyone. Even if you hate it you have a strong opinion on it.

Great choices! Reverend Kane is very creepy, lol

That southern drawl! And those eye, man, those eyes! Scarred for life. Lol.

What an experience to have! Sorry your friend has passed away. You carry fun memories of him.

Great choices, I haven't seen Candyman in such a long time I'm almost forgetting what happens in the movie 😬 I just know not to say his name 3 times loud 🤫🤐

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Thanks Foxy.

Dan was a good kid. He just lost his way and, imo, didn't know who he wanted to be. His upbringing was a little different and there was tragedy there too. I miss the guy I knew from our preteen years. He was fun.

Candyman freaked me out. Me and Geoff, my buddy that I went to see it with, still try to mimic his voice to creep each other out.

I've seen poltergeist when I was a kid. Can't seem to recall reverend kane. I think it's about time to watch it again this time with my kids.

Lol. With the kids? Wow.

Reverend Kane is in Poltergeist 2. I have actually never seen the first one. 😀

OMG,... Candyman... a character I didn't think about for years!! Awesome!

Yeah, I had to dig that one out. Although me and my buddy Geoff still say Helen in a deep gravelly voice, every now and then. Lol

Damn, definitely some powerful stories going on with this one Gaz! You can come back out from behind the sofa and go join Nicky in Google Spreadsheets now... it's safer there :D


Great choices. The Exorcist scared a lot of people. A few friends said they could not sleep for weeks after seeing the movie.

Great choices @cheese4ead ,

Even with knowing the Candy man wasn't real it was still hard to bring myself to say his name three times in the mirror after watching that movie.

Sorry to hear about what happened to your friend. That was a great story you shared, I laughed out loud at the thought of you running to your mom and dad scared out of your wits.

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