My Nominations for the PHC Top 3 Monthly Contest - TOPIC

in #phctop35 years ago

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This is my entry into this month’s PHC Top 3 contest.

We are so excited to be launching our contest for everyone to join in and even though we decided that the organisers cannot win the prize, we are still all desperate to take part, add to the prize pool and have a laugh. If you missed the launch, it's not too late. You can find the details here. Contest Introduction Post

This months topic is Comedy Movies

I hope you enjoy my three nominations.

NoNominationMy Reasons for the Nomination
1As close to comedy perfection as you are going to get. A film way ahead of it's time and, IMO, more relevant now than ever. One liners, slapstick, slow builders, it's got the lot. I have one question. Are you the Judean peoples front?
2This is wet yourself funny all the way through. The dialogue is super smart and funny, if a tad abrasive. This must be Ryan Reynolds perfect role because he IS Deadpool
3I actually laughed until it hurt watching this movie. Hilarity bordering on the ridiculous but with an innocent feel about the whole thing. Amazing cast, brilliantly acted and possibly Tom Cruise's finest hour!

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Curation Trail

We have a curation trail for @phctop3, which you can follow here to continue to add to the prize pool and the growth of the competition. Don’t forget to log into steemconnect.

Delegate to @phctop3:




Haha yes Gaz! Awesome picks here! "He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy"!! You're right, it's far ahead of it's time but it's still a timeless classic, great choice!

I liked the savageness of Deadpool from the off, quality action comedy there!

Not seen Tropic Thunder though, sounds like I may have to change that!

Great selections Gaz! Should make for an interesting discussion on the Panel chat!


Another set of great choices! I am a bit ashamed to say I have not seen Life of Brian. Guess I better put that one on my list since it is a classic! I absolutely agree with your statement on Ryan Reynolds. And I forgot about Tropic Thunder!

It would seem that we match in the amount of movies we've seen in each other's post lol.

I haven't seen the first and last one. I recognize the actor though in the last one. That looks like a completely different style for Stiller compared to what he has played before... hmmm I think I got another one to add on the list to watch :p

Life of Brian is one of my all time fave's let alone for the comedy category. It's 1979 but more relevant and funny than ever.

Tropic Thunder is just hilarious. I reckon you would really like it. Robert Downey Jr, Jack Black, Ben Stiller, Tom Cruise and the list goes on. Try it.

Never heard of thunder get some. Didn't like the red man at all. But life of Brian was ahead of its time and strangely funny

Tropic Thunder @wales

It's a brilliant movie. So funny. Well worth checking out.

Ah yes, Life of Brian - really up there with the best. The others, I'm afraid are lost on me....

Life of Brian was the only one I have seen of the three you selected, Deadpool sounds like an interesting one to earmark for the future Gaz.

Deadpool is awesome, Joan. Ryan Reynolds is so funny. I love movies with cool dialogue and this movie has that as well as being hilarious. 😁

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