An update on the youngest Squid's new fish-tank and its new inhabitants!

in #pets6 years ago

In case you all were wondering how the old fish tank was coming along, I am happy to announce that it is perfectly outstanding!

In another post, I told you all about the inhabitants of the aquarium.

There were the Shadow Clan of ghost shrimp, Squishington and Todd, the african dwarf frogs, and of course, the first fish he had ever successfully kept, a betta named Candy Cane. I also mentioned the new inhabitants that he had yet to acquire, in fact, the whole reason he set up the aquarium.... but I'll get to them in a moment.


Do you see this!? It would seem that perhaps Todd may actually be a lady-frog!

Yes, for a couple of weeks, Squishington could be heard at night, squeaking away and making all sorts of adorable frog-in-love sounds. It was interesting! Then, one day, we found the frogs locked in this embrace. Now, before you guys get excited, spawning did NOT actually occur. They just stayed like this for a couple of hours. Todd did not lay eggs, so I don't know if perhaps SHE was not actually ready, or if Todd is a HE, perhaps Squishington is rather confused.... Either way, it was entertaining.

Now, moving on to the NEW inhabitants!

The best fish on the PLANET, (according to Smallish-Squid), is the wonderful, amazing, ASTOUNDING upside-down catfish!!!

Now, this is an EXTREMELY active little booger of a fish. Constantly wiggling and dashing all over the place! The photos are not of good quality, and I can't tell you how many 'BLUR' photos I have for each 'okay' photo.


Here is one, all upside down and everything!

Now, no fish store within driving distance had these fish. Not a single one. We ended up ordering the trio of them online. It took all the patience the little Squid could muster, but FINALLY, they arrived!

The ONLY shot I could get of all three at once!

Meet Eli and Sketch, the two smaller males, and Inverted, (aka Pinky), the larger female.

Upside-down catfish are cool little things. They spend the majority of their time swimming around upside-down, because in their natural habitat, (the Congo River Basin in Africa), they eat insects from the surface of the water. Their mouthparts make it difficult to feed unless they swim around inverted. Their coloring reflects this lifestyle, being that they, unlike most fish, are dark on their bellies, and light on their backs. They are not large fish; the little males only get a little over 2 inches, and the females, a little over 4 at most. They are by far, much more fun and entertaining little fish to watch than I expected, and Smallish Squid is VERY happy with them.



All in all, the aquarium project is going very well. It has been set up and running for about 2 months now.

The fish are all healthy! No one has come down with ich, or any other fish illnesses, mostly due to the diligent care of their owner. He is VERY careful with how much of what kind of food he feeds, he keeps the water temperature monitored, and makes sure to do a water change ever week. I am quite proud of him!

One of the Shadow Clan hiding with a large food ball he is definitely NOT SHARING.


Thanks for stopping in to see how the aquarium is doing! ♥

Are any of you out there aquarium enthusiasts? What kinds of fish do you keep, or wish you could keep?

On my wishlist is the Clown Knife fish! It needs a 300gal tank though, so that's not happening any time soon...

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This work by @SquishySquid is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


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I had fun reading this!

I kept wondering if the fish were for ... fried catfish. It I guess not since they stay so small...

Thanks for sharing ❤️

Aw thanks!
Yep, they are pets only, since each catfish would make barely a nibble! ;)

Catfish tacos 🌮 😂😂

HAHAHA yes! one tiny fish per taco!!
Maybe catfish soup!!
Or salad! :D

A 300 gallon tank???

Good Lord, woman, you could have ducks swimming in that thing!

Bah ha ha! Yes, but I dont like ducks. (They are nasty pooping machines!)
Clown knives are one of my favorite fish! I used to have a pair, (they came with the 55gal tank we bought), until they outgrew it. I had to sell them to a petstore at about 15inches long each. :( They get up to 3ft long so they need a HUGE tank.
(not my pic since I couldnt find the pics of the fish I used to have...)

Great tank..
Thank you for share

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Great shots! Look like some creatures was humpn 🤣😂

Thanks, haha!
Yep, those crazy frogs... :D

That is a beautiful aquarium! The first time I hear and see an upside down catfish. So many species out there, I am not surprised lol.
Those little froggies are so cute!

I used to have an aquarium before and with those jellyfish decorations in it. Makes it look awesome. But my son decided to push the tank down and it shattered on the floor. He was 2 and a half at the time. No idea why he did it. No more tanks for a while... almost 6 years later and I can still wait lol.

Thanks! He loves it and really just does a wonderful job caring for them.

Wow! I dont blame you! Ive always been worried about someone knocking one over! Especially when thekids were little, they could hang on the edge and possibly pull one over. Yikes!
Hopefully no one was hurt.

No one was hurt but the fish. No fish survived :/

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