in #personal-development6 years ago (edited)
Those who disrespected you yesterday will do the same today if your personality yesterday still remains the same today!
- Seth A. Thomas

Hello Friends, for two weeks now, I've been undergoing a series of life-transforming encounters and experiences, the course of which I've been learning some undeniably priceless lessons that has resulted in my writing these articles.

You may like to see my previous posts here

First, I wrote about Five Very Powerful Obsessions of Young People, I know there are more but these five ranked top in my list of collections.

Also, I wrote about 3 Things Every Visionary Needs to Do In Pursuit of Global Impacts.... Here, I helped young visionaries in #Nigeria see some very important call to order we all need to focus on, in our pursuit for making worldwide influences.

I believe you'd find a lot of value from them, as I did. Check them out now and thank me later. :p

That being said, I'd like to write today about what I refer to as the 6 Simple Hacks to Building an Enviable Personality for young people.

The soothing feeling of self-worth and high public recognition among humans cannot be overemphasised.

We all love to be treated with preference and importance among peers, at work, school, in groups and organizations, even in our own homes. And that's why we see people willing to go the extra-mile of "demanding" it from those who they feel "owes" it to them.

Words like:
"Am I your mate?"
"You better respect yourself because am not your mate!"
Are few of the many utterances we hear from people who feel like their "authority" is being threatened.

We love to feel important but every too often, we are "guilty of ignorance," to the simple insights we require to accord ourselves the "importance" we crave.

It's no suprise to me "Esteem Needs" ranks second (from the peak) in Abraham Maslow's pyramid of Humans Needs.
Source:Abraham Maslow's Pyramid of Human Needs

Having discovered this gap, I thought it necessary to discuss about it, perhaps someone's understanding may be enlightened and a lesson or two learnt too.

As "ordinary" as they may seem, they are in fact, my list of recommended life-attitude every young person needing an upward shift in personality needs to adopt.

So the list now:



The consel about minding one's business has really raised a lot of controversies today. It's hard to come to terms with the saying upfront.

There's this set of people who cannot just see something "wrong" happening and be cool with it. They feel it's their responsibility to right every wrong, that they unintentionally end up getting themselves into even bigger wrongs than they could possibly handle!

The second set of people are those who could see your body practically ablaze and just decide to "mind their business" - not even care!

In other to easily convey my point here, I decided to share these few thoughts from great men with you:

1. "You would be very surprise with how much positive changes that you could make in your life, if you could make it your top priority to mind your own business."
- Edmond Mbiaka
2. “Keep your attention focused entirely on what is truly your own concern, and be clear that what belongs to others is their business and none of yours."
- Epictetus
3. "Mind your own business. What your neighbor does (within the law) is none of your concern. Accept that behavior is not evil simply because it is different."
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
4. "Mind your own business. But love your neighbor as yourself."
- David C. Hill

I personally like the 4th quote, it's simple and tries to strike a balance; as much as you'd "mind your business", just be sure that what you do to others in their times of despair or enjoyment is what you'd prefer others to do to you as well in same or similar condition...

That way, you don't mince your standard and your worth rises as well!



Develop the attitude of taking full responsibility of everything that happens to you; things that revolves around your sphere of influence and control. Avoid fault-finding and self-seeking behaviours when dealing with issues that relates with people. Make people see you as someone they could rely on; who's in control of things and doesn't blame but claims responsibility for their team's actions. That way, your worth rises as they place you high and above and always seek your counsel to execute any task.


Even though we advice that youngsters THINK BIG, you must note that not every thought is important and useful. Some are garbage. You have to accept it that way, and either try to fix it or trash it. To think smartly, you have to do it on paper, putting the past, present and future in perspective. Smart thoughts are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound. You could have a BIG dream that isn't SMART but you can't have a SMART thought that doesn't have the capacity of becoming a BIG accomplishment! So strike out everything that doesn't fit in. Find a calm & comfortable place to aid you too. Just let your every thought be accompanied with precision.


The Holy Bible, in Proverbs 29:20 says, "There's more hope for a fool than for someone who speaks without thinking." Don't speak because you feel like it, don't speak because they said you should, speak only when you have something to say - having thought through it first. Let your words always convey wisdom and truth. Learn to control when you speak and what you say. The difference between an intelligent and wise person is that, the former speaks when he HAS TO SAY SOMETHING but the latter speaks only when HE HAS SOMETHING TO SAY. Be wise!


Don't just be a dedicated thinker and accurate planner but never a practical "Doer." You must be a committed doer to ever achieve anything noteworthy in life. "Action," they say, "speaks louder than words." Don't hesitate, neither give in to procrastination especially when your none performance could be detrimental to your progress. People will always trust and respect someone who speaks less but does more. It's only in practically "executing" thoughts and plans that progress is ever made. You must develop a quick decision-making instinct that conveys wisdom too.


It's a common saying that "To err is human but to forgive is divine." Forgiveness is a rare virtue. People will always respect and trust anyone who's easy going and whose mind is free from hate. Sometimes you need to forgive others to be free, yourself. Matthew 6:14 says, "For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:" And remember also that "Holding a grudge doesn't make you stronger, it make you bitter and forgiving doesn't make you weak, it makes you free!" So do it for yourself, set yourself free from hurt, it will accord even more respect to you too.
So that's it again from me, for now. I hope you found some value from it?

Till I come your way again with more mind-boggling and life-transforming teachings/contents as they get unfolded to me...

You may like to see my previous posts here

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