Permaculture and Spring Chickens!

in #permaculture7 years ago

Hello all! It is finally starting to look like spring here in the Okanagan, though the snow is still sticking around our mountaintop homestead. 

As the snow melts slowly and reveals what is underneath, the sun calls to us to go outside and start preparing for the coming season. Slowly we have woken from our winter slumber and our restless energy has many outlets and creative innovation to act on. 

Something about this season seems super productive in a very meaningful and engaging way!

The transition from a long winter of rest and writing to that of spring alertness and action is a welcome one, and I suppose that energy has kept me off Steemit so much and blocked the feel to write! Everything has its cycles, and this one is needed. So much is happening to engage with in the real world right now!

My chickens are sooo stoked on spring too, now they can explore and scratch at the ground as they please. Plus, lay us enough eggs to distribute extra to friends and family! 

They love to explore and its really really funny to watch them all hop over the stream! 

One or maybe two of our chickens lay colored eggs, and so far we only have gotten army greenish colored eggs. But the other day we got this beautiful light blue/green, and I love it! The Easter chicken left me a pretty present! 

Most awesomely, I started permaculture design certificate course! Specifically, it is a course put on by the Permaculture Womans Guild and the course is both the regular sort of permaculture certificate plus training in social, emotional and cultural transformation! 

I am excited to learn about permaculture and how I can design things to be more harmonious in a lot of areas of my life. Plus, I love to study and learn. I think that this course will be the step I need to start really creating and designing awesome change in our communities (here and afar)!

I am also excited to share my permaculture journey and assignments throughout this course with my friends on Steemit! I think this will be easy enough and help me keep up with the Steemverse as well. I am sure, with time, things will fall into balance. 

I also have been playing around in the garden now that the snow has finally, nearly almost melted completely from that area. The swampy stream that runs through my garden helps.... And although its all a swamp, its still really fun to start sorting it all out! 

Iv been feeling the urge to innovate and create, so when I found these knocked over trees (from excavating the stream so we don't I don't have a moat around my house) the use for them was pretty obvious!

I decided to use them to make a boundary for my garden, on the process to it becoming more of a raised garden (it needs some more work haha). Anyways, I cam up with this! And look at all that mulch, how lovely. 

I trimmed the trees a little bit and tried my best to fit them together. By no means am I finished this, I probably gotta add some rocks to hold them up and more compost/soil. Its a good start for now though! And I think I can find more of these scrawny poplar trees that need a trim to finish the rest of my garden. 

Isn't that beautiful! Things will be growing outside soon for sure, as the seeds are flourishing inside! The snow is still around though, sadly. Full swing spring sure will be satisfying....

Thank you for joining me friends! I hope to engage with you all more and share with everyone my journey through this awesome course. Its seriously insightful and I am only done the first module. Check it out, registration is still open (although I actually paid money for this one) and I will talk more about its awesomeness soon! Here is the link <3


Your enthusiasm is contagious!

I build my garden beds with what is around me. Three years into some of them now, its a beautiful process.

I look forward to seeing more of what you create and hearing more about what you are studying.

haha thank you! I enjoy the practice of finding stuff laying around to use. I hope I will post more about it soon!

Great spring post.....ehmmmmn, how do I get some eggs? lol

hehehe get some chickens! My friends love that I have eggs for them all <3 I make a buck too

That was a nice egg. Hehe yes play outside. I love that too.

Isnt it a beauty? I want more chickens that lay colored eggs! They all play outside though.

Beautiful Cae!! I can't wait to see your posts. Have a blast. :)

The water flowing, chics, eggs, and earth are gorgeous.

Thank you mew! I think I will be able to post a little more often now! Everything is beautiful, I cant wait to show everyone the majesty of the Okanagan.

yay!! im so excited for you and yhe class too. wish i had land to take the class and the money! so happy for you 💕

Oh, the permaculture design course! One of these days!!!!!

I cant believe I am taking it on some level haha, this particular one is awesome because of the social and emotional training too!

Yeah, that's a really fabulous addition, and it makes so much sense!

Love the eggs colour. I have never come across permaculture before so I have no idea what that is, looking forward to read your posts about it. I am glad to see spring is finally there at where you are @skycae :)

The egg is so beautiful, I refuse to eat it! Someone else might eat it unknowingly though... haha.

Permaculture is a way to design things, from gardens to societies. It uses the patterns found in nature to create resilient and abundant ecosystems <3 I hope you do stick around to learn more! It is a life changing and revolutionary practice.

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I've been looking forward to getting started with the garden beds too. It's been raining all night here - that much closer to the ground thawing a bit - the birds are lovin it - just like your chicken :)

Yess the rain helps so much! Today is clear blue skies for us though its amazing! A week ago before the snow melted, I had 1 or 2 things I could do. Now I have 20 at least!

Spring is here, so is @skycae! Hehe I've been waiting for your posts! :) I'm happy for your permaculture course, I'll be making one also as soon as I get a bit of land :) for now i only have a small balcony :(

aww I am so glad to be back! I increased your delegation as some other peeps have gone offline as well tbh. Also, do it! There is an emotional permaculture course by the same lady for free, ill link it in my next post for sure <3 you dont need space to permacutlure hehehe

Yes I noticed the increase in the delegation! Thank you so much :) I've been powering up also to get acceptable levels for blogging (at least having bandwidth to post!). Your delegation is key to achieve it :)

I'll be watching for the permaculture course link!

Hi Cae! Your garden is so beautiful! I just love seeing spring getting into full swing at your homestead! We are still under siege of so much snow! The leaves! That's gonna make so much nice fertile soil!!!! I've missed seeing you around 💗 and am glad to see you!!! Namaste 🐣🌻

thank you! It is a huge work in progress, there is not much soil under that mulch and so I do hope it turns into good stuff soon, a long term investment though.... hahaha

Uhg, it snows occasionally still, but we are in a warm area of the north so it melts right away! I wish for rain and sunshine for you!!!!!!

I totally understand! I have spent the last two seasons setting up and expanding my garden. This year. I am back to restarting! This time, i will be helping my sis set up her first garden. Oh the fun! Your permaculture course sounds good! I registered to start one in a few weeks through a university though it was a free program. Seems more like spring today! But, it's still cold! -8°C with bitter cold breeze!

Thanks for sharing your life.
I spent some time living across the border in Washington, but same sort of climate. So nice to finally come out of winter! We're still struggling to leave winter behind us now that I'm in Wyoming, but it won't be long now!

Spring fever is coming! And with it, 1000 chores, Whahahahaa. Thank YOU for stopping by to take a peak at my life, I appriciate it <3

yes, the 1000 chores, for sure! But I'd love to have that lifestyle again. I'm stuck in the city and it makes me twitchy and wanderlustful. I think the only cure is to dig my hands in the dirt. :-)

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