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RE: Man Cave? I'd Rather Be In My Backyard Oasis!

in #permaculture7 years ago

Great website. That should keep me occupied for a while! I read the post on back yard chickens. I was part of a group that fought for four years to convince our town to lift an ordinance prohibiting back yard hens. It’s was completely absurd and also quite educational. We would spend a year answering to all the concerns and convince people it was okay, and then a whole new group of angry townsfolk would show up to a meeting and start the whole process over again. We ended up compromising and created a pilot that gets renewed every year. It has now been running for three years and with 25 families raising hens we have not a single complaint, and miraculously, home values have not plummeted like the doomsdayers believed. That was probably the most educational part — learning about how people would line up so-called experts, like real estate agents, who couldn’t provide a single piece of credible evidence. It was like shooting fish in a barrel because we had the evidence, but as I said, the process was circular. But in the end we won, but only because the town commissioners realized we simply were not going to quit. Now we are teaching our kids to understand and value what it takes to get nutrition to the table, something you obviously appreciate. To someone with not interest in such things we seemed like. A bunch of mit jobs, but to my wife and I it is critical knowledge to be fostering in our kids. I used to hunt, and I still have the means, but it’s been a long time. I keep thinking I might again if either of my kids are interested down the road.


I do know exactly what you mean about the bureaucratic mindset. I fought them to, as well as the county health inspector, and others. After awhile it is like beating your head against an immovable object, mostly because the terms one is trying to satisfy are either undefinable or constantly moving. There's is a circular logic, and no one is ever responsible, in my experience.

I had been collecting horror stories from folks like us for quite awhile. I have not kept up with the latest injustices for some time, as I had been busy developing a new website and other things. No doubt that it still goes on - with vegetables too.

And if you really want to set your hair on fire sometime, take a look into the issues of raw milk. You can go to prison for that one!

I am glad that you like the website. I hope that you will write some more on your backyard oasis. Love the chicken pictures by the way, particularly the one on the deck.


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