Perl Language: How To Use Do While Loop in Perl Program

in #perl5 years ago

Learn How To Use Do While Loop in Perl Program. Perl offers 4 types of the loop, for, foreach, while and dowhile loop. So you get to use the loop depending on the context you want to use the loop. And the below video you can find how to use the dowhile loop in perl program.

Here's the syntax for the dowhile loop that you can check out.

do {
}while( condition );

Here the statement means that you are adding the code which you want to repeat as long as the loop repeats. And another thing is that condition in the while loop makes it possible for that loop to repeat itself until the condition is met. So this video basically covers those basic for you and you can easily learn the basics with one example in the video. I hope you like the video presented here and do let me know about it in the comments.

If you haven't checked out the first video in the series. Check how to run program in Perl .

Also do check out the second video on the Variables in Perl language.

If you want to check out the While Loop in Perl then go ahead and do so, it's another one loop that you should know about.

You can also check out the article where I have explained the for loop in perl.

You may want to check foreach loop in perl if you want to check previous article.

Tips for Running Perl Code

You can check the installation of the perl by typing the following code if you are on unix or linux, in case of windows you have to check the path if perl bin folder is added there.

which perl

Perl code requires you to have the code stored in the .perl file extension file. This way when you run the perl code say it's in the file named helloworld . pl

You can run the perl file on command prompt like this.

perl helloworld . pl

That's it. You can now execute the perl code on your computer.

I recommend checking out Learning Perl book. You can get a lot of answers to your questions. Plus the new edition of the book can cover some of the latest topics too.

If you are interested in modern language, try Go Language Tutorials.

I hope the information here helps you. I'd appreciate if you like the video and share it with others.

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