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RE: The Epiphany [part 1/2] Everyone is Equal - WISHFUL THINKING OR CRUEL DELUSION?

I'm unsure what compelled a second look, but I'm also glad to hear you retraced your steps to this post. You must be wondering what that second part of the epiphany is haha c: I write for those who will read them, but I am also in consideration of a system to shorten my posts while retaining depth. I'm still here, in process of that rework. Have an awesome day dreamsteem~ I'll talk to again real soon


I didn't listened to it with my full attention the first time but I knew there was something to it because my mind picked up on bribes of it and also because I know you.

There can be an infinite number of possibilities around you at any given moment, but if you don't believe they exist-

They're all invisible to you, they may as well not exist. To the person who thinks they have no choice, it doesn't exist. Tell me, how are you supposed to choose something, act on something, change something if you can't even perceive what this "something" is?

I love this part!

I'm somewhat guilty of this in my life haha, skimming through my experiences without reading them through. Much like yourself I enjoy a good revisit or reread, and to my surprise I often miss things. There is always a hidden lesson to discover. Realizing the section you quoted has changed many things for myself ♡

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