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RE: Pizzagate: The Tip Of The Iceberg

in #pedophilia8 years ago

"Hillary Clinton is running a pedophile ring out of a pizza parlor in Washington DC." -Stephen Colbert
This statement does sound ridiculous but nobody ever claimed this was going on!
I use to love Stephen Colbert but now I can't stand to watch his drivel.
As pointed out in the 2nd video here, he actually quotes the Pope to try to discredit pizzagate! The Pope and the Vatican are at the center of pedophilia, child abuse and COVERUPS!


We've had one legitimate Pope since Pius X (1900) John XXIII was a freemason. Paul VI had Communists take over and he put Vatican II into effect that allowed homosexual pedophiles to become ordained. It was a goal of the Communists to usurp the Church by planting homosexual priests to discredit Catholicism. John Paul II was the Antichrist, he allowed animists, Muslims, Wiccans, snake worshippers and God knows what else into the Vatican. Francis is a Marxist- he's not even a Christian. The Church is in Apostasy just like Our Lady predicted at Fatima. But like Jesus said "The gates of Hell shall not prevail against it." Things will right themselves in the long run. It's a sad time to be Catholic and see the Church turned into the laughingstock of the world. It's even harder to find a church that doesn't hold to Novus Ordo and Vatican II. I don't watch TV so I'm not familiar with Stephen Colbert except what I've seen in videos. This thing is so big, I only used about 10% of what I found and every day more turns up. The link I posted has page after page with 7-8 articles on a page. And that's just one source!

I have a somewhat different take on why the Catholic church is plagued with pedophiles.
A major source is the institutionalization of celibacy for priests. All human beings have sexuality and a healthy sex life is important in finding balance in life. If it is completely subdued and repressed it will manifest itself in toxic and distressing forms. I think the practice of celibacy should be strictly optional for priests and not mandatory. I think the long dark history of the church reveals that this is a deeply flawed practice.

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