Pizzagate: The Tip Of The Iceberg

in #pedophilia8 years ago

When I started looking into the whole Pizzagate thing I expected to find a ring of well-heeled pedophiles operating out of a pizza shop that included John Podesta and others. I was already familiar with the Franklin Savings/Johnny Gosch scandal so I wasn't surprised to find pedophiles in positions of power. The more I investigated, the bigger it got. Pizzagate itself is almost miniscule (I won't say inconsequential, one child being abused is of consequence) compared to what's going on in America and around the world. I'm almost at a loss as to where to start. To begin with we are looking at primarily three phenomena, all intertwined. First is the sexual aspect. Then there is the child/human trafficking facet. Then there is the most nefarious, Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) which seems, unfortunately, to be the most prevalent.

It should come as little surprise, in a society as sexualized as ours, that things like sex trafficking and kiddie porn should exist. Pornography generates more income per year than all professional sports combined. Think about that. In a culture fixated on youth, that younger children are sexualized should come as no surprise. Remember this little girl?

Jon Benet Ramsey, she was six years old when that picture was taken; the same year she was murdered. If you think sex had nothing to do with it, you must be living under a rock. Her murderer was never caught. Her parents may or not have been involved, but they were complicit by painting her up like an adult and parading her around. This is just one instance. The child beauty pageant industry had skyrocketed in the last several decades. The sexualization of children is a global phenomenon. In this country sex is taught in school as early as kindergarten. And nobody can figure out why children are being targeted for sex? Child sex trafficking is big business and lucrative.

Yesterday I posted an article about Nicole Kidman's father being involved in a pedophilia ring in Australia. One of the sources for the video was (I'll include a link at the end). Today I went to their webpage and what I found almost knocked me off my seat. Page after page of articles about child sexual abuse. There was one article that included a video from Holland where the wife of a Mafia figure talked about the Mafia's involvement in trafficking. Let me point out, when saying "Mafia" we're not talking about La Cosa Nostra, but Ndragheta, a group out of Calabria that is active worldwide. The wife talked about witnessing officials of government as well as the Dutch Royal Family.

I apologize for the poor quality of the audio. Other articles (many) were about the British Royal family and the systematic sexual abuse of indigenous children in Canada. Others indicted the Catholic Church which has been infiltrated by homosexual pedophiles after the ordination requirements were relaxed as part of Vatican II. The next video talks about child sex abuse in Norway where 20 people were arrested. Some were high ranking government officials, police and teachers. The American media were complicit in covering this up, I wonder why?

Almost everybody is familiar with the Franklin Savings/Johnny Gosch case where high ranking officials in the Reagan/Bush White House were implicated. The Discovery Channel did a documentary, but it was never aired. For anyone interested there are numerous videos on You-Tube about the Gosch case. This has been going on for a long time.

Sen. Nancy Schaefer of Georgia was murdered while investigating sex trafficking in Atlanta which is touted as a hub for sex traffickers in America. CNN did a documentary on it that I posted a while ago, so there's no point in redoing it. Her murder was called a "murder/suicide" by the media. Both the Senator and her husband were devout Christians who friends and relatives said would never even consider suicide because of their religious beliefs. They had a wonderful, loving relationship and were well off financially...there was simply no motive. Monica Peterson was murdered in Haiti while investigating child sex trafficking by Laura Silsby, a friend of Hillary Clinton. Silsby was under indictment after a relief organization that she headed was found trafficking underage children for sex.

The link between child abuse and Satanism is perhaps the most troubling aspect of this sickening business. Human sacrifice dates back to the dawn of humankind. I'm not familiar with the gentleman in this video, but he is outspoken about what is likely to be going on.

One good point he makes, is if anything is going to happen, it's up to us. This is only a part of what I've found. Pizzagate itself is just a small part of a problem that is huge and pervades world culture. This is the link to


"Hillary Clinton is running a pedophile ring out of a pizza parlor in Washington DC." -Stephen Colbert
This statement does sound ridiculous but nobody ever claimed this was going on!
I use to love Stephen Colbert but now I can't stand to watch his drivel.
As pointed out in the 2nd video here, he actually quotes the Pope to try to discredit pizzagate! The Pope and the Vatican are at the center of pedophilia, child abuse and COVERUPS!

We've had one legitimate Pope since Pius X (1900) John XXIII was a freemason. Paul VI had Communists take over and he put Vatican II into effect that allowed homosexual pedophiles to become ordained. It was a goal of the Communists to usurp the Church by planting homosexual priests to discredit Catholicism. John Paul II was the Antichrist, he allowed animists, Muslims, Wiccans, snake worshippers and God knows what else into the Vatican. Francis is a Marxist- he's not even a Christian. The Church is in Apostasy just like Our Lady predicted at Fatima. But like Jesus said "The gates of Hell shall not prevail against it." Things will right themselves in the long run. It's a sad time to be Catholic and see the Church turned into the laughingstock of the world. It's even harder to find a church that doesn't hold to Novus Ordo and Vatican II. I don't watch TV so I'm not familiar with Stephen Colbert except what I've seen in videos. This thing is so big, I only used about 10% of what I found and every day more turns up. The link I posted has page after page with 7-8 articles on a page. And that's just one source!

I have a somewhat different take on why the Catholic church is plagued with pedophiles.
A major source is the institutionalization of celibacy for priests. All human beings have sexuality and a healthy sex life is important in finding balance in life. If it is completely subdued and repressed it will manifest itself in toxic and distressing forms. I think the practice of celibacy should be strictly optional for priests and not mandatory. I think the long dark history of the church reveals that this is a deeply flawed practice.

It's human nature for psychopaths to prey on the weak. We use to just go to these people's homes and hang them in their front yard sometimes just a couple hours after committing a crime but now for whatever reason these people are in control of government.

Hopefully this is the start of the pendulum swinging the other way towards justice.

The guy in the last video was kinda kooky, but he had some really good info, but we have to stop sexualizing kids. Hollywood has been a hotbed of pedos for decades. It's pervaded our whole society. I think Jon Benet Ramsey's parents were practically pimping her out, letting her be in those pageants.

I saw this video earlier today...amazing, if anybody in the MSM was going to pick it up, it would be Ben Swann!

Whether "Pizzagate" is a real thing or a convoluted hypothesis based on flawed interpretation, child trafficking and child abuse is a real problem. Since governments are fundamentally massive organized crime gangs, it would not be surprising if the allegations against officials are only the tip of a very dangerous iceberg.

That's what I'm saying...this is so big that Pizzagate is almost insignificant compared to what's going on, and you're right- government IS the problem, not the solution.

Nice post Rich

Thanks! I was going to do it in parts, that's about 10% of what I found. The link I posted has page after page with about 6-7 articles per.

I talked to people locally about the Jon Benet Ramsey murder, at the time it happened. The family, family's attorney, an police, all but completely destroyed the crime scene. So many stories surfaced, that it became impossible to tell what was real. I could say what I think, but it is based mostly on appearances, except the handwriting samples that were published in the newspaper at the time. Those were pretty damning. I believe they were published in the Denver Post and the, now defunct, Rocky Mountain News, possibly also the Daily Camera (the Boulder paper).

My point is that she was a baby. She should have never been sexualized like she was...she was a walking pedo magnet. I blame the parents for that. As far as the investigation goes, you're was a cluster-f***!!!

Agreed. It seems abusive to have child beauty contests, even if there were no such thing as a pedo, let alone in this world that is beginning to resemble a blender full of perversions.

That's part of my point...society itself is complicit in the oversexualization of the entire nation, not just kids. Like I said, porn generates more revenue than all professional sports combined! That's a lot of moolah!!!

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