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RE: Rampant Pedophilia with Governments and Elites - A Conspiracy of Silence

in #pedophilia8 years ago

What does the church and government have in common?
They are authority figures. There is a chance people who have joined these ranks have done so because they were already sick and were trying to get away with their doings, but there's also a chance this line of work made them sick.

Police, making 35 cents an hour where I am from, take the street boys, homesless kids and abuse them. So this has little to do with wealth, it has more to do with having a position of authority over others and how unnatural this is. Everyone who tries to rule over others gets sick and sexual illness seems to be most common when it comes to authority.


Yeah, it's global. It stays in operation because all the powerful people are into it and protect it, across the planet, in any country. Since the audience is mostly Western, I targeted our blindness to our own society. It's a problem around the world. In some countries, it's more visible, and people know about it more, but still the government is in power and it keeps going... it's a sad mad mad world:

Mad World by Gary Jules

I know people who, given authority, have not gotten sick.
I know many more people who are sick (to begin with), and these thugs are just looking for any excuse to get authority over others. The most intelligent of these thugs ALWAYS end up at the top of hierarchies. That is their primary goal; to have power over others. I would say that it is more important to them than breathing.

Since we have been indoctrinated into the chain of followers (command) through 12 years of indoctrination where order following is the highest principal, then the pyramid that allows this behavior is all most can imagine.

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