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RE: Child Sexual Abuse - The @kida Revelations of 'Inside' as 'Out' and 'Upside', 'Down'!

it's conservatively believed that in today's society 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys WILL BE sexually molested before they are 18 years old

I'd definitely go with "conservative". This is just the tip of the iceberg. In fact I think 3 in 4 its more accurate for girls knowing what I know amongst friends. I can't comment on boys though.


This could mean half to two-thirds of the world's population (or more) will likely have had unwanted sexual attacks before the age of 18. Often patterns are repeated, and of course the pain of the initial trauma doesn't stop when the physical act stops - it spirals and augments through life. Such heaviness, such sadness.

I think the figures for men are also much higher than 1 in 6. It's a detail that may not be shared amongst friends, and the whole male positioning on sex is very confusing for boys. There may be pressure to turn 'victimhood' into a 'conquest', but more likely it remains buried in shame and silence. There may be confusion about feeling 'pleasure' from the abuse (which means it is difficult to acknowledge it as abuse) outlet, just anger and rage...anger and rage...and an infinity of 'acting out' expressions of unprocessed trauma!

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