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RE: Everything you need to know about potential payouts and flagging (for new users)

in #payout8 years ago

I went for a walk after having a heated conversation about this, and came back a lot less angry about the possibility that my posts get flagged/downvoted to oblivion. Of course everyone has the right to downvote my posts, as much as I have to right to get angry about it. I just have to make better posts next time around, no matter how unmotivated I may feel about making them.

Maybe it's not that bad, but I can't help feeling betrayed by the possibility of getting a downvote squad on me after making a better than a $0.25 post.


I agree, it can be a real downer to have a post with high potential rewards go down :(

The best way I think of it is like playing a poker game - you may go up and down in chips, but until you make it to the cash-out window, the money is not really yours to keep yet.

Was there a reason behind the downvote(s) you received?

If it was a content abuse issue (like plagiarism, trolling, spam, etc.) then you'll need to decide on whether you want to keep posting the type of content that will attract that type of negative feedback.

If it was just a disagreement over rewards, then hopefully you can continue to improve and gain more supporters so that your number of upvotes outweighs any potential downvotes from users with a different opinion on what is valued. I'm of the opinion that good content will win out in the end :)

One question: Now that I checked a post of mine has been flagged twice. What on earth is @blacklist and @blacklist-a, and why is it considering my birthday greeting for my wife plagiarism or hate speech?

Don't worry about it. It is someone trying to scam people. The account has practically no SP, so the downvotes don't really do anything. You can read about it in this post:

The thing is, I haven't yet received downvotes, but I do see it as a possibility. I have made a couple posts with more than $10 payout, but haven't yet struck big as it is. On one of them I wasn't really trying, so I felt weird, but anyway thought that if the people reading it liked it, why not? After that I really put an effort into the next one and it failed and didn't get almost any payout.

I'm hoping that my next posts about photography will gather more views and votes, as I'm currently putting more effort into them.

I would definitely hate it if I got downvoted after trying so hard to make a real effort to make something of quality. I can understand people not voting up, even if I put effort in my post, but downvotes just to make it pay less sounds heinous.

It's mostly my fear of getting rejected that is doing the talking here, though. Obscurity for being obscure is one thing, but outright rejection and for a good post would definitely feel worse than not having been heard or read at all.

I checked out your blog, and you seem interesting. I've started to follow you now.

When I first started out, I posted tons of content without receiving more than a few pennies of rewards. Then after that it was a lot like a lottery - I would occasionally get good payouts, but it didn't really seem to be directly related to how good my content was. (I posted a lot of good content that never got upvoted.)

Eventually I earned enough followers that when I post good stuff it gets seen by a lot of people. Now I feel like my payouts are more reflective of the quality that I create. (My good content often does well, and when my stuff doesn't do well - I take it to mean that whatever I did wasn't adding much value.) Before, I could easily blame it on not being seen.

I wouldn't worry too much about getting downvoted. Not everybody is going to like what you write, and sometimes people will chose to downvote. Just think of it as part of the game.

My belief is that if you be yourself and post things that add value, that the rewards will come in the end.

Well I thank you both for the encouragement and for following. I have so many things I have planned to do and write here it has been a bit of a hassle to get a sense of what my blog should generally be about. My interests keep changing so fast it's often hard to keep up with them. (Maybe I should start keeping a to-do list or something.)

Anyway, maybe in time I will figure out what my forté is and how to most efficiently write about whatever it is I'm into at any given moment.

Thanks. Maybe all will be well after all.

Mine is an eclectic mix, although I tend to write mostly about Steemit. It is my main interest at the moment :)

(Maybe I should start keeping a to-do list or something.)

I would definitely recommend a "Post Ideas" list. I think of ideas all the time, and then when I feel like writing a post, I often pick one from the list. Other times I get excited about whatever my idea is, and just jump into writing about it.

Anyway, maybe in time I will figure out what my forté is and how to most efficiently write about whatever it is I'm into at any given moment.

Thanks. Maybe all will be well after all.

Good luck! I'll see you around :)

Based on what ive seen, those individuals downvoting solely based on the idea that a post is being paid too much are mainly downvoting posts with payouts of $40 or more (based on the current price of steem). And even then, they are typically removing only around half of the payout.

Id be really surprised to see an original content post with $10 in payout being downvoted this way.

The thing you might not get entirely is that downvoting "big" posts (like one with $50 -$200 payout) like this free up more money for lesser paid posts. So, for example, its downvoting like this that might make a less popular post payout a little more. So maybe your post that would have only gotten $5 otherwise, makes it above $10 because its not getting starved out by $150 posts at the top of the 'food chain'.

The thing you might not get entirely is that downvoting "big" posts (like one with $50 -$200 payout) like this free up more money for lesser paid posts.

I get it alright, but if I ever were to get $200 payout for a post and some idiot downvoted it to $20 I'd be truly annoyed. I've seen plenty of >$200 posts to understand that even I could have a chance at that. Now you are saying I can't, because lottery isn't fair?

I hate to sound like a party pooper (or a conspiracy theorist), but you very likely have a near zero chance of getting that kind of payout (given the current price of steem).

Before some whales started downvoting them, the posts that you saw that probably made you think you have a chance-- those posts weren't getting upvoted because of the quality of the material, or because they got lucky and won a 'lottery', but were the people running steemguild self-upvoting themselves or maybe super established authors (maybe 3 or 4 different legitimate independant ones) that get that much automatically every time the post.

Yes, there are very rare "lottery winners"... but mostly the lottery is won by the same people over and over again, and it has little to do with luck, and no you really don't have a chance at that.

Which is why, IMO, its a good thing that rewards are being directed away from them -- and to the levels of rewards that actual regular users have a chance at.

I hate to sound like a party pooper (or a conspiracy theorist), but you very likely have a near zero chance of getting that kind of payout (given the current price of steem).

Thanks for the vote of confidence. Especially coming from someone who "won the lottery" more than once.

Yes, there are very rare "lottery winners"... but mostly the lottery is won by the same people over and over again, and it has little to do with luck, and no you really don't have a chance at that.

There is no "no chance" and you know it. Even if the chance is small, it is still there, and I'm betting on it. I wouldn't be here using Steem if it weren't for that chance. I would never have started using it if I were to know beforehand someone were to take that (how ever small) chance away.

Thanks for the vote of confidence. Especially coming from someone who "won the lottery" more than once.

I've never "won the lottery". If youre looking at the payouts of my past posts, you have to keep in mind that these posts were made and paid out when the price of steem was much higher (and also when the blogging reward pool was larger pre HF16)

My 5 brothers post was probably as close as I got, which wasn't even on the first page of trending, and with current values/reward pool would have probably made around $50 or $60.

There are some whales who occassionally pay attention to what i post (heaven knows why.), so i might have a bit of a better chance. But most of the biggest whales who vote in concert to make those huge rewards do so either on auto-pilot or to the benefit of SG and outreach self voters.

There is no "no chance" and you know it. Even if the chance is small, it is still there, and I'm betting on it. I wouldn't be here using Steem if it weren't for that chance. I would never have started using it if I were to know beforehand someone were to take that (how ever small) chance away.

Take away high powered self voters using whale keys, and guaranteed payout authors like krnel, ats-david and a couple others (i don't think these guys are bad, or that theres anything underhanded about it... just being realistic that they're not playing a lottery), how many do you see winning the lottery with 150-200 payouts? How many honest to goodness lottery winners are there in the lottery youre trying to play? Real question, btw. Is there a chance, maybe. But its an extreme long shot.

EDIT -- incidentally, lest i sound disgruntled, i don't post a ton, and I don't necessarily think that what I do post ought to be highly rewarded. I would not have even discussed my own payouts had they not been brought up.

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