My first payout: Is this a great country, or what?

in #payout7 years ago (edited)

I came here thanks to @roomerfree, then recruited @rhondak, and boy, did she eclipse me in a hurry! She's earned enough steemit money to buy a very large bag of dog food for her animal rescues. Is this a great country, or what?

Oh. My pay? Half a penny, so far! Okay, yes, I'm laughing. But I'm also in @minnowsupport and following every name that pops up in connection with how to do great things here.

I'm upvoting so often ("be careful about the number of upvotes," yes, someday, I will be), I should have a negative balance, by now.

This post really sums up what @rhondak is up against:
Whatever I earn here, I'm funneling it over to her animal rescue in Appalachia.


You got my name wrong again! It's @roomerkind!

And I am horrified that there's a 7-day expiration date on editing. Glad you called me out on it here!!!

I have read @rhondak postings before. A real freaking issue and concern. I applaud her big time.

No doubt about it, @chelsea88. And thank you for the kind words of support. They mean more than you know.

Just sent you some support/a token of my appreciation for what you are doing!
Have a great day and full STEEM ahead!

I wish I could give you more than a $.02 upvote, @chelsea88 . I'm weeping, not only because I'm grateful, but because people like you force me to remember that humanity is basically decent and kind, and you renew my reasons to keep doing what I do. THANK YOU

{{{Big hugs }}} @rhondak
You're so welcome and I understand where you are coming from with that feeling. Especially when the animals you work with are because of bad /stupid people. You're awesome. Keep it up! ! ♡♡

Carol, you are the best. I mean it. You have been the truest definition of "friend" to me for how many years now? Quite a few. Glad we get to share this experience, too! :-)

Well, right back atcha!! I'm so glad you took the plunge - and took to the water like a dolphin!

What's up with the 7-day limit on editing a post...? It's @roomerkind, he who led me here to steemit. (Thank you! Thank you!)
Early imprinting is to blame. Traveling in my youth, "Zimmer Frei" (Room Free) got lodged in my brain.

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