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Two excellent bloggers. I've supported both of your choices.

However, I notice that both of them were already selected by curie (before your entry was made) and received excellent rewards for their work. Although not explicitly prohibited in the PIFC contest (in the category of "things happen"), it's not quite the point of this contest... We're really looking for undervalued bloggers.


Fair...! ThAnx for voting, and I am not looking if they were noticed or helped by curie, so maybe in this case its just to get them more exposure and nothing more. But dear Lori its Getting hard to find “Virgins” Thanks for stopping by.

Something I have suggested to others is to look to see if someone that has a curie vote has other posts which didn't get all that support. It gets lost on a post with $20-30 that we even stopped by.

Idea is to make someone realize people appreciate the effort they are putting in and when they already have huge rewards they are flying high. When they post again (maybe wait a week) and have little rewards that is a great time to feature them. Hope that makes sense.

Anyways thanks for the entry and both bloggers have been upvoted.

Thank you very much! And I Will vote the blog that needs the most help from the featured nominees.

Yeah, it can be hard to find good ones who qualify! I find some in my Discords, I just don't hang out in Curie to find them, lol. I found one of mine this week from one of @yehey's curation posts. Although most of them are well above the level for this contest, they are all good posts.

(Are you planning on sacrificing these virgins on the altar of pifc???)

Lori I have thought about it but fair is fair if they already have curie than I need to be their saviour😉

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