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RE: My Entry to the Pay it Forward Curation Contest-Week 5

in #payitforward6 years ago (edited)

Your second entry is stolen content. Have flagged the post and killed all earning. Didn't even bother to try to give credit to the original author.

Please remove the link to that post and replace him with someone who isn't stealing content and claiming it as their own.


Once the 2nd blogger is replaced please reply to this comment and then I can add you to the list of confirmed entries.

I have already exchanged my second blogger. Sorry for the inconvenience.

It's a humble request please to remove the flag. He is new in this mistakenly done.

It would be a good lesson if it's a warning. Otherwise it would be a nightmare.

Please be kind. I'll personally will request to name the original source.

Naming the source when copying content is still illegal when you copy an entire article without permission. The flag is staying and it's not a nightmare, it's 1 post he will not get paid on and doesn't deserve to be paid on. This type of theft not only is an issue for the blogger that steals the content, but for the entire steemit community. Once a post goes paid it can't be edited or deleted. So if later the content owner sends a legal demand for removal of content it can't be taken off the blockchain. The owner owns that content can now file a lawsuit against steemit and this then effects all of us.

And his next post was also stolen content:

is the real post that he stole.

I am sure if I go and read all his other posts they are all stolen content.

Thank you for the information. @thedarkhorse
it helps highlighting a serious issue which many unaware of.

You did the right thing! Sorry for the inconvenience again.

No problem, it's just an issue as an original content creator I've had to deal with on multiple websites in the past. Have had to deal with attorneys to have stolen content taken down from people like that guy who thinks stealing is ok. This truly is no different then walking into a store and grabbing anything and everything you want and walking out the door. People for some reason think it's no big deal, but once it happens to you after you have spent hours, or even days working on content and someone takes 30 seconds to "scrap" the content and use it as their own you realize how bad it really is.

All that said and I am probably more of a stickler then most about things like this.

For your own reference. If a newbie comes on and is posting content that looks professionally probably is and not by them. Take a minute and do a google search for the "title" in quotes like that as it will return only exact matches. If it shows up as another article then you know you are dealing with a thief and shouldn't waste your time talking to or following that person. Just move on and find real people posting real content...there are plenty of them out there.

It's really dissapointing when our hard worked creations stolen away !

I can now completely understanding the fact. Well, it serves to learn many important factors.

As I have changed the 2nd blogger will it be confirmed now? @thedarkhorse

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