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RE: Pay It Forward Contest Entry by ridoykhan22

in #payitforward6 years ago

Thank you for writing this up and I am considering this an entry into the contest once you comment on the contest post with a link.

As it's your first week I will not ask you to rewrite this, BUT you missed a very key part of the contest which is repeated a few times. The contest is about helping smaller members of the community. Really with a focus on the newest members.

The 3 bloggers you curate Must Be Rank 50 or Lower! Your reputation score doesn't matter, everyone has the same rules this week.

The highest rank you can use for an entry is level 50.

You also need to comment on the contest post with a link to your post. GINAbot alerted me to the post as you used the #payitforward tag, but all entries need to comment on the post.

Again your entry will be considered valid for this week as you clearly put effort into your post and I want to reward that. Just watch the rules next week a little closer.


yeah i find my mistake can i use one more entry?

You can feel free to edit your current post if you would like adding to it, or just leave it for this week. It's an honest mistake and I am ok with that.

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