Week 12 - Pay It Forward Curation Contest

in #payitforward6 years ago (edited)

Good, this time I'm making this entry as part of a method organized by @thedarkhorse, is part of a contest with a very useful purpose, which is to recommend users who have created quality material in the immense world of steemit (which grows every day), in order to help in its growth, our job is to find quality content, vote it and recommend it.

This seems super useful to me, and that is how we can progress in choosing users, and give our support by nominating them in this contest so that their content is visual for other users!

In my search in the wide network of steemit I could meet @marufamitu, she shows special interest in technology and music, since her blog is divided between these two topics.

Attach your most recent entry so you can enter and read your material.

How much technology change our life we see that from every development of our life..How much effect in Our life e-learning,e-governance,e-service,e-commerce etc has we never can deny them..I am gonna holding up detail discussion about them....

If you want to know more address your publication here

My other nominee is the user @emsweet

I enjoy admiring the talent and this user has left me delighted with his art, the art is valuable, it is worth sharing. Every detail that an artist makes in his works is synonymous with his expression, it is a way of expressing what they have inside, and @emsweet has proven to be excellent at that. Then I leave you something of the last thing you have shared on your blog, if you are one of those who admire talent like me, I invite you to visit his blog and admire his work!

Finally, I show you whom I have given my witness vote and why.

My vote is for @ Steem-bounty, and they have carried out a project of the same name, which is in charge of @knircky and @famunger, and it is about giving a reward to our readers in order to generate a profit extra for your time and dedication to read our publications and leave a valuable comment in it. For this reason, my vote is for them, I invite you to visit them, and try so that you consider giving your vote! Regards!

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If you want to know more about this contest, you can enter here Pay It Forward Curation Contest


Thanks for participating with the #payitfoward contest. I have "odd" authors so I didn't get a chance to visit your featured folks this week, but I wanted to give you much deserved thanks for supporting the project.

Hello @rosmilage 😉 I think you didn't use all the 5 tags? Why not trying the ccc ? You'll got a bonus if you add that tag and follow the rules made by @freedomshift too.

I like @emsweet too, the art works are great. Thank you for featured him and I will be back to you when my VP is full again, gotta check your nominees too. Thanks for guide me to the exceptional bloggers👐

Hello that good that you have enjoyed his art, I will follow your recommendation. Regards!

Can I use ccc tag?

Yes you can...

Ok thank you

Thank you for the entry @rosmilage! As one of the judges, I'm so glad that you have found value in this contest and decided to join us :) I'm going to have a look at your featured bloggers now too!

Thank you so much @rosmilage for finding me ..and yaa I have a great interest on technology my most of the future post will be about technology ..stay with me ..thank you so much 😊

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