Mi entrada para Pay-it-Forward - Semana 77 | My Entry for the Pay-it-Forward Curation Contest - Week 77

in #payitforward5 years ago

Me acerco con este post al proyecto Week 77 - Pay It Forward Curation Contest, que no conocía, hasta ser comunicado por uno de sus curadores, @tryskele, que había sido propuesto por @leveuf. Se trata de la comunidad @pifc con un valioso proyecto que promueve desde hace un año un concurso de curación para apoyar a aquellos usuarios que realizan posts de calidad pero que, por no ser tan conocidos, reciben poca recompensa. Su administrador es @thedarkhorse, y están vinculados con @Steembasicincome. Vale la pena conocer este proyecto y apoyarlo. Si está interesado puede ir a @pifc o en payitforward, y allí conocer las reglas de funcionamiento.

I approach with this post the project Week 77 - Pay It Forward Curation Contest, which I did not know until it was communicated by one of its curators, @tryskele, which had been proposed by @leveuf. This is the @pifc community with a valuable project that has been promoting for a year a healing contest to support those users who make quality posts but who, because they are not so well known, receive little reward. Your administrator is @thedarkhorse, and are linked to @steembasicincome. This project is worth knowing and supporting. If you are interested you can go to @pifc or payitforward, and there know the operating rules.

Paso, pues, a proponer mis dos seleccionados para esta edición.

I will therefore propose my two selected for this edition.

Selección 1 - Selection 1: @nancybriti


Un conmovedor relato, muy bien escrito, que expresa, desde el presente con viaje al pasado, y de un modo sentimental y respetuoso, el significado hondo que tiene la relación con la presencia y muerte de nuestro progenitor.

A moving story, very well written, that expresses, from the present with a journey to the past, and in a sentimental and respectful way, the deep meaning that has the relationship with the presence and death of our progenitor.

Selección 2 - Selection 2: @bonzopoe


Poema amoroso muy bien logrado, sin caer en facilismos ni cursilerías; emana erotismo, especialmente por la fineza de su sensorialidad (gustativa, táctil olfativa, visual), que se recrea en sus evocaciones y visualizaciones.

Love poem very well achieved, without falling into facile or kitschy; emanates eroticism, especially by the finesse of his sensory (gustatory, tactile olfactory, visual), which is recreated in his evocations and visualizations.

Si es tan amable, le sugiero visitar estos posts, que bien merecen nuestro apoyo. Gracias por su atención.

If you are so kind, I suggest you visit these posts, which well deserve our support. Thank you for your attention.


Good first entry. Thanks for doing your post also in English...saves me some effort of google translate.


Thank you for your entry. Both of your bloggers have been upvoted and your entry for Curation Contest:Week 77 is confirmed.

Thank you for your initiative and attention. Greetings, friends of @pifc.

Thanks a lot! I've just visited and supported your choices.

Thank you for your attention, @trincowski. My intention is to continue participating in your healing contest. Greetings.

Suerte en la participación del concurso.

Excelente selección, @josemalavem. Suerte en el concurso. Un saludo y un fuerte abrazo.

Agradezco tu valoración y buenos deseos,@zeleiracordero. Saludos.

Muchas gracias por la nominación, @josemalavem. Este texto es muy especial para mí, porque no solo habla de todos los buenos padres del mundo, sino que habla de uno de los mejores: el mío. Mucha suerte. ;)

Encantado de postularte, @nancybriti. ¡Suerte también para ti!

Nice features @josemalavem. Thank you so much for joining in this week. It's always great to have new participants.

Everyone has been visited and upvoted. I am running way behind schedule this week so since I missed payout on the ones you featured I went to one of their more recent posts for the upvotes.

Thank you for your attention and support, @tryskele. My intention is to continue participating in your healing contest. Greetings.

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