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RE: Enabling the Conscious Shift...

in #partiko6 years ago (edited)

I have not studied the Hindu units of time but will certainly check into it now that you have suggested it. I am enjoying my time listening to Mark Passio and have enjoyed your other suggestions as well. Yes. Enlightenment will indeed come...but we are a long ways away. I’m doing my part to simply raise an eyebrow, make someone question, or simply provide the spark that might ultimately prove to be the catalyst that brings one more person to a heightened awareness.

“Power vs Force” is an AMAZING read by the way. Highly recommend it.


Awesome! What episode / what topics is he covering now? Has he said anything you disagree with yet? In 2016 I drove over to Philly to the Free Your Mind 5 conference to see him and many other researchers present but he ducked out at the last minute because of disagreements with the organizers. Pretty lame. Oh well, looking forward to him presenting again, hopefully closer. I would be all over that in a heart beat.

In all honesty, you are doing a good job of doing your part. We need more people speaking the truth, questioning authority, and putting peace and love in the world. I have seen it happen where I planted a seed a long time ago in people and have watched them (slowly) come around. Very cool.

I put that book on my list to check out. I have a half-priced book store down the road from me, so I will keep an eye out for it :)

So I started from the very beginning of his podcast. I think I’m up to May of 2010 (episode 8) so I have a long way to go till I catch up. I just wanted to listen all the way back to ensure I had full context. Really I think I’m in 100% alignment with him to this point. Up until now I’d felt myself pulling toward the “libertarian” point of view; that we need as little government as possible and allow people to decide for themselves what they need.

I’ve never really heard someone so heavily into government and politics along with spiritual awakening like him and it really does all tie together. It’s sad to admit but I do think our government is a form of repression and limiting people from their full potential. No longer is it about the people but instead keeping them (government) in power through dependency on government. It’s a corrupt system that needs more people to see it for what it really is. The insight on the Federal Reserve is astonishing. I had always heard some about it but never paid attention to it like I am now...and what he says about it really does seem true.

Glad you started at the beginning. If you are already on episode 8, you are making good time :) You will be caught up in no time.

I am a little confused if you are saying you lean Libertarian or if you felt that way, then changed your views. Perhaps you can clarify what you are saying there. I have no faith in government what so ever. I am an anarchist as I believe in self ownership. That is a huge topic, so I won't open that can of worms here.

Yeah he is great, he covers almost everything as you can imagine! I am glad you are getting a lot out of it. He had a huge impact on me. I will be doing a post soon on some of the most impactful teachers I have had, so I will spread the word to others about Passio and others who have had a large impact to me.

I feel the same way as you in regards to government. I guess what I’m saying is for now the best alternative if we were to continue to become a more awakened society is the “Libertarian” viewpoint. It would be the best transition if government had to exist. I don’t see a day soon in which no government exists without chaos first ensuing. The libertarian viewpoints allow people to govern themselves with as little oversight or rules as possible. However it still is a government that would apply the base needs without interference.

However I’m with you. I would like to see a day without government. I just think we need to transition to that point rather than have a cold stop. Not everyone is ready for a world without government yet. I hope one day we do get there.

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I agree that a day without government would not happen over night. There are going to be essential functions and services and social safety nets provided that could not or should not go away. Those are the things that I think would cause the chaos that you mentioned.

I would advocate for moving those essential services and functions to a true free market, privatized model. There are already cities doing pretty much what I would advocate for at least transitioning into which would be privatization of services normally provided by an incompetent, expensive, monopolistic state. I would like to see more cities start doing this, showing people the uselessness of government.

You should check this out:

I hope as well that we can get there some day, but I am not holding my breath. We have a lot of work to do as probably already know :)

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