
High value comments ask a question or add to the conversation. What can the person say back to this comment but thank you? Nothing.

Just fyi based on prior conversations you and I have had on this topic.

You are right. But here you know that is a safe place for any type of comments ehehe my posts are always silly 😉

Nathan is trying to help his peeps create high value comments, so I am chiming in unwanted lol. We get enough spam around here, as you know.

Appics is on this list of high paying STEEM dApps. Tasteem rates much higher. Where have you been eating lately?

Ehehe I have uploaded there a couple of days ago. I will probably be uploading another review in there today👍

Posted using Partiko Android

We need people first in building social network, Comments & Contents comes second, High Value comments & Engagement comes third

I rather see one comment "Thank you" comment from a human than Zero comment & 500 auto votes on my own post

I want to see people who build Social media platforms to use their own platform to communicate than using Discord & Telegram even if its uncomfortable

Eheheh I hope I will be able to learn more about all of this stuff. Cause usually me and technical stuff are not the best friends. But I will try to become better at crypto lol ehehh

Crypto success comes from focusing on your most important activity that will bring you the most results. This activity is like the first domino in a chain of dominos…each one building sequentially on the other. You must simply to identify the first domino, and work on it until it falls

Find the lead domino, and whack away at it until it falls. -Gary Keller

If you chase two rabbits you will not catch either one. -Russian Proverb

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