How to be sucessfull my personal experience

in #partiko6 years ago

Hi steemians!

Let me share you a story. I think it will be interesting😉
Since i was 18 i ise to work. Even before in summer breaks. But beside of my work i also use to have some sideline income. Than i find out that the town where i live is small for me and i start to travel and work. Almost every year i was in a different country and i really enjoy it.
I had always enought to have a good lifestyle and also to save some.

My first mistake was when i get married very early. I sold my house and i moved to the philippines to my wife. I felt in love also into the place where we was living and also most of my time i spent to open our business and run it good to make some income.
I was totaly blind and i find out later that i get married with a gold digger who have mental problems also.
So actually what happened is that i lost all my money because as i am writeing i had to escape from that woman.
But sometimes shot happen.
Like in the poker. If you put all in you can win big but also you can lose everything.

So i didnt wait for a long i was again abroad. Few months in Germany than i left to USA and than UK.

I fix my life and i met my new partner.
She is also a filipina😂
I told i love that country😂

This is my second year here in #philippines now. And to be honest i dont feel myself right now sucessfull. I have investment but that is a land. Both here and in europe also. Not big but still enought.
But i know i can make more. I was just wondering why right now i am not on the top?
And BUMMM i find out. To be sucessfull the most important is to decide.

  1. To set a goal that you wanna reach and keep focus on that.
    This is the most important.

  2. And this is what i have to change now also. Surround yourself with a people with similar interest. With a positive minded people.

So yeah i think here in philippines this is the most difficult.


Let me share. Just example here where we live and the places that i visited until now the people they wanna be rich but most of them dont wanna do nothing for it. They really like to chill, talk, gambling ( even it is not alowed ) and drink.
I see the young boys young dads that they dont care if it is morning 9 or afternoon or night they just come together and drink and sing.
If you dont do the same of course they will start to talk behind your back they start to talk roumors about you.

This is the same what we with my partner we have to experience day by day.
When we bought our car everyone was jealous. When i bought my solar panels they told also that i am crazy. But ho ho hooo i save money. I dont use to drink here because i really like to talk about things that matters if we drink.

Just i am sad to see how some young guys they ruin they life here.

So surround yourself with positive people who will support your ideas or even can gave you advice.
( one of the reason that soon we will go with my family to my country )

  1. Work hard.
    Without work there is no money. Doesnt matter what kind of work. Steemit is also a work. You jave to make a good content. But even here i see people who are lazy. They think something will happen or they gave up too early.

If you wanna go home but you lost your keys..... Is it stop you to enter your house?
Imagine that the house is the sucess but you have to enter the house first.
There are some trials but there is nothing impossible. If the door is closed try the window. If that is closed than broke the door but dont let nobody and nothing to step between you and the sucess.

Hope these toughts can gave motivation to some of you. I am doing the same and i am close now.

Posted using Partiko Android


Yes that's right, there are lazy people who only have dreams and don't realize they need to do the work. Some work on negative things (like gold digging, stealing, etc.) instead of positive. Tsk tsk. If they do not have anyone to tell them or they do not know people who are good examples of working hard and being successful then they will always be lazy and doing the negative. Perhaps it is best to inform the barangay captain or suggest something to the local government officials?

Anyway, I'm glad to know you are happier now. And good luck to your future plans.

One thing i have learned. You can do what ever you like. You can try to help to others but if they dont wanna change they will not. The positive thinking is a magic.
Also the worst that most of the people they grow up they see this and they accept it as a normal. So later of you wanna show them the right way they dont believe in you and the worst if they fail they will blame you instead to look for another option or solution.
I use to "teach" university stidents in my free time before here in ph. Actually they was always comming to my business to chat with me about different kind of topics. And i was so much happy that nobody dont force them to came to me. They just want to learn how to be sucessfull how the foreigners thinking abroad and how they reach they goals. 😊

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Indeed. I learned that because of my mom too. You can try to help people and teach them things but in the end it is their life and their beliefs. We cannot change other people, we can only change ourselves. It is hard to accept but I have learned to accept that several years ago. Some people just cannot accept that fact and so those who can't get frustrated and angry at the people they try to change. Lol. Sometimes I still forget not to try and change others. Ah life.

It's good to know then that you can share your entrepreneurial thinking as well. Most Filipinos are colonial minded and so would rather listen to foreigners than their fellowmen. Tsk tsk. Those who are "woke" usually are labeled as being part of the rebel group or rallyists and some such... unless you become a Ms. Universe AND you're a half-blooded Filipino. Oh life is fun in the Philippines.

He he yes i saw also the miss universe. They even dont looks like filipino😂 But to tell you honestly i think they are nothing special. Abroad there is so much girls like them. Even when i watch the tv most of the actors/actress are half. I really really like the real natural filipino girls beauty. But the nonsense brain washing tells them that they have to use whitenings to be beautifull. Ahhhh And abroad the girls and boys spending a lot of money to became brown😂😂😂
Defenetly more fun in the philippines😂😂😂

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Sajnos ismerem a lustaság érzését. De szerencsére a reggel kilenckor italozásból már kinőttem :D :D

En is ismerem meg jelenleg a reggel 9orai ivaszat sem erdekel. Termeszetesen ha lenne a zsebben annyi amennyi akkor lehet en is erdekelt lennek mind a ket temaban de egyenlor nincs annyi szoval most ilyenkor hajtank kell nincs mese. Ha mas nem akkor a lanyom jovoje miatt.

Amugy neztem a dluxot. Mar mukodik a szamlalo de kevesebbet mutat. Kb. azt amit en szamoltam😂 szerintem azert is volt leallitva vagy mi mert ugye az irrealis volt hogy 2 nap alatt 10k tokent szerezzek mikozben acydo is meg masok is 10steemeket donatoltak😉

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Én már elvesztettem a fonalat, hogy hogyan működik a számláló :D Növekszik, az a lényeg.
Amúgy most a hunttól 100 sp-t átraktam a luxnak. A kapott vótban nem számít, de így legalább több token jön.

Amúgy jah, remélem pár éven belül oda jutunk, hogy ha akarunk, nekiállhatunk a züllésnek reggel kilenckor. Persze mi komoly felnőtt emberek vagyunk, de azért szerintem hébe-hóba előfordul majd :D :D

Ja ja hebe hoba😂😂😂
Hat el tudom kepzelni hogy mar van hazam itt a szigeteken es mar nem sok dolgom van csak lazulni😂
Amugy nem tudom hogy jo otlet volt-e a steemhunttol most leszedni 100at.
Ugye most jelentettek be az uj projektjeiket es ugye abba benne van hogy elvileg elkezdik majd ertekesiteni a tokeneket cegeknek. Ami durvan felviheti az arat majd. Foleg hogy cash-ert is tudnak majd venni. De te tudod😊 Lehet neked lesz igazad.
Ha neked jon be a dlux akkor majd en nyalok neked egy kis aproert😂 nekem meg ha bejon a partiko egyszer akkor majd megoldjuk😉
Bar a partikoban nagyon nagy lehetoseget latok. Es sokan elbaszarintjak szavazatra a pontjaikat😂 Raadasul tegnap ugye irogattam a partikoval mert commenteltek a postom ala hogy gratulalnak, szerintem nagyon cool arcok lehetnek😉

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Annyira minimál mennyiség jön a 200 sp-ért, hogy tulajdonképpen nem számít, hogy annyiért kapom vagy 100ért.

A különbség pár száz, a dluxnál ezres különbségekről beszélünk, és igazából nekem a dlux jobban tetszik, és nagyobb fantáziát látok benne hosszú távon.
Ráadásul a csapat messze profibb, mint a huntnál.

Nem is láttam, hogy a partikósok megjelentek nálad :D Mondjuk az egyszer igaz, hogy mobil appot ritkán fejlesztenek karót nyelt k.csögök :D

Hat ezt egyszer sem modtad hogy azoknak is lehet delegalni😂
10-20sp-ert mit adnak kb?
Ja en is nezem hogy comment. Mondom biztos az automata de nem. Jo arcok nagyon. Mondjuk mostanaban sorra jonnek a meglepetesek. Uj es uj emberek irnak ram transferrel vagy commentbe is neha. Igaz balnak meg nem de delfinek ja😊 Majd csak meglesz az a szint is egyszer😊
Ja ned meg nyomott egy power donwont. Erdekes. Meg lattam aktiv mert commentel de jo lenne mar valami info is toluk.

Delegálni mindenkinek lehet a steemiten :D
Amúgy én is a napokban olvastam náluk, hogy azért is van token, lehet, hogy eddig is volt, csak nem tudtam.

Az ico végső határideje amúgy március közepe, szóval addig biztos megy az sp, utána meg meglátjuk. Ha olyan jól fizet, mint eddig, akkor még tovább megy majd :D

Igen de melyik accra delegalsz? Meg ami a lenyegesebb mennyi az annyi?😁 Csak hogy ki tudjam szamolni a sacc per kb-t😉
Amugy ma basszus befutott a huntom. Egy mero orom vagyok a 2 dodoert amit eddig kaptam😁 Amugy megosztottam egy postot az olvastad? Az internetrol volt szo a mai viszonylatban meg hogy a steem mekkora lehetoseg a jovoben es amugy van benne valami.

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