"It was either me or them": Man kills burglars with AK-47

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What??? Not the lead on all the network news shows last night???

Say it isn't so....

perhaps the shooter was not white.

Wouldn't that be more '"newsworthy," though....? Not sure.

Maybe a minority using the Second Amendment appropriately peeves the MSM even more, as it shows not all minorities are drinking their Koolaide.

In fact minorities legally armed defending themselves is kryptonite to the MSM anti gun narrative. They only like legal gun owners shooting the place up. If a black guy has a legal gun and goes on a spree they will edit his photo to make him look white!

Wow..is that photo an example of a photo of a mass shooter that has been doctored by someone in the MSM?

But of course armed men shooting at you in your home are not "burglars" they are home invaders. 

I can feel for the guy but I also wonder when he said patio did that mean a enclosed patio with no exit or a outside patio....I know it's legal to shoot people on your property justifiably but I have a hard time with people who are no longer a threat to you being killed.  I wonder what it is that attracts people to his house like that, seems his house has been shot up before.

Perhaps the video shows that they continued to shoot at him. As long as he lives in a state without a duty to retreat I would say that once the other people start shooting at him then he can shoot back no matter where he is at. I wondered about that as well but I guess the video settled any questions the police and DA had. Sounds like he lives in the ghetto

this should be on every network in the country!
great post.

hopefully we get his security camera footage like that Asian woman who fought off all those thugs

oh that's right I remember that. Yes that would be powerful.

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