This man was so fed up trying to get his Tesla fixed that he ended up doing it himself

in #parley-cars6 years ago (edited)

This is a stupid policy on the Tesla! It alienates their existing customer base, and re-purchases are the lifeblood of all car companies.

Doing repairs at a break even price, scheduled ASAP, would ensure repeat customers!

I am sure they would rather have people purchase brand new cars when the warranty expires.

Not reasonable to assume,with their high cost and limited market appeal. They need to groom the customers that they already have, while they chip away at new customer sources.

They have to change a century of thinking to be successful, and they should approach that with great care! :O

you would think alienating anyone willing to spend six figures on giant vibrator would be something they would want to avoid but you would also think they would make their new cars so the bumpers don't fall off on the way home.

It is a company with a LOT of problems! They have a chance to do great things, but they seem to be loosing focus! They need to concentrate on a daily driver that in a third the cost of their existing product, so they can sell volume!

Split off the other energy development, into separate companies that sink or swim on their own merit!

tesla would probably be best off to lose Musk entirely and let him go play with his rockets and shit.

So very true, or at least a silent partner! Focus is important, when opening when opening a new market....

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