Biggest Parenting Fail.....

in #parentingfail6 years ago

So this is my entry for Parenting Fail Contest.

So when @khackett and I had our twins, the kiddos Simon and River had to spend the first 30 days or so stuck in the NICU in Aurora, CO. They came to this world in 34 weeks, which if I remember is way to early and can cause issues. Now there are a lot of things that I cannot remember, about the pregnancy but we should all just be lucky that I can remember these. So every day we go to the NICU. We sign in, we wash our hands and we show our babies that we love them and that we are there with them. For the first weeks, we cannot even hold our babies, because they are too fragile.

I mean like they are in the little tiny incubators with the holes in the sides. Diapers so small that you cannot honestly buy them at the store, they are that small. On oxygen, feeling tubes nurse around 24/7 type of thing. We are FINNALLY able to have kangaroo time with them, which seemed like forever, but I loved it. Here is a since on how small they were...

Now I know that you are can something this precious be my biggest parenting fail. Ok, so we are like 3 weeks into this ordeal. We have been able to spend like 12 hours days or even all day there, sometimes we did. But we could only cuddle for a little time. Tummy time for little parts here and there. Diaper changes here and there. Bathe times as well. So the wife and I decided that we are going to go get some coffee and breakfast, since it was a big day. Incubators were coming off and would be exposed 24/7 to open air. They had there own rooms, shared together of course, away from all the other babies....they were twins and all. So as the doctors are getting the kids ready for that, we leave for a few.

So I am usually not a coffee or Starbucks drinker at all, but today I decided what the hell. Ill try it. So we get our coffee and come back to the hospital. I make a snark remark on how the coffee is not very hot for being coffee, but as you will see that is a good thing. We get back to the kids room, after washing hands and sanitizing every 15 feet. I take the top of my coffee and set it down, where I would usually set down my water. I noticed that this coffee was actaully cold or less than room temperature. Mr Simon is crying because he has a poopy...So I turn around to grab a new diaper and when I turn around, I elbow the coffee right on him. Yep...I did it. I thought that I just severely burned my NICU baby and all that. Half cup right on him. I started shouting "oh shit, oh Shit" he started crying and all. Not from the shock of the coffee, but because it made him cold. lol. Well I should not be laughing, I think that I was crying to be honest. So we go him all cleaned up and it was to be bath night anyways, but he had his bath early. He ended up being ok, but still....Who as a parent spills coffee on their own kid. To this day, I think that this is my biggest fail.

Here they are when we took them home, again for size comparison. In the smallest car seats that we could find.


Awww! They grew so fast! How did that happen?! 😍
As for fails, I definitely dropped my phone on both of them at some point when they were newborns. 😆

I don't see coffee stains or cell phone indents on either of them in the first photo of them. LOL So I think y'all both did a great job!! :)

Love your blog @chackett. I need to take a break from my plants and start doing some more life post, and really need to get off my ass and do a positive post. Geez as a parenting fail thats every other day for me! LOl the other day made my newborn a bottle and gave to baby mama to feed him and then she was like "whats this thing floating in here!!!" Turned out to be a peel of a watermelon!!!! At first she thought it might of been a bud, but i keep that stuff on check! But as far as watermelons go, guess i dont, lol

That's so scary. And just confirmation that even when you have the best of intentions, things can go wrong. People make mistakes. Thankfully, the baby was ok. It's tough when you try so hard to do right by people and somehow you just seem to keep messing up. I think you two are awesome!

Oh no!! It's such a good thing the coffee was cold. Your babies are seriously adorable, and Simon came out of that whole ordeal unscathed!!! Thanks for entering my contest! :)

SO SWEET! , sad, i pray to god

Awww! That wasn't a fail, it was just an honest mistake. And no harm done. 💛

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