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RE: A Snowflake By Any Other Name

in #parenting8 years ago

Great post and your kids are so cute :D

Watch a child playing in the park. If he falls and skins a knee, before he reacts, he'll look to the parent to see how they react. That is how we learn to respond to life’s hiccups - 90% of the time, the parent is horrified and rushes in to sooth.

That's were it all starts ^

I love my daughter more than anybody else in this world, but I believe I'm doing her a favour when not rushing to buy her everything she wants. Currently she earns her own money through excellent grades in the school. Then not me, but she buys herself something she really wants.


Thanks, @richman. They were pretty cute! (I guess they still are - haha)
You are doing her a favor by saying no. When a child earns what they have, they appreciate it so much more. They learn how easy it is to overspend, and how to be responsible enough to ask themselves if it was really worth it? I find they also take much better care of their things.

Very wise words for such a young lady :D

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