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RE: Shit Parents Say – Our Unschooling Journey Part 7

in #parenting7 years ago

Great article! And you're so right. Only since I started home schooling my kids did I really start to think about what I was saying and how I said it. At least, most of the times. For instance when a small child is climbing at the play ground, the number of times you hear: Don't do that! You'll fall! You can't get more self-fulfilling prophetic than that! The child automatically thinks they will fall every time they climb, making them insecure. I've had to stop myself from this a few times and instead say: Be careful climbing honey! Sounds a lot better and the child knows to be careful while building confidence.


I'm glad you brought up words that aren't necessarily unkind but can also be damaging even if only to a child's self confidence. That's an important category as well.

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