in #parenting5 years ago

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Empath children are highly influenced by the energy of the household, including the energy of you as a parent. This means that your child will be perceptive of your moods and will feel everything that you feel, regardless of whether you want them to or not.” ― Mateo Sol

A little while ago, I had a conversation with another mom. She had approached me to ask for a little bit of advice regarding her son. Initially I wasn’t really sure that I would be able to offer much in terms of advice or solution as I am no parenting expert, but I was willing to try nonetheless…

Now, let it be said that I do not know this lady personally - only online... and all that we know of each other is what is shared on one another’s blog feeds… So I was genuinely amazed how, out of the many people that she could have chosen to approach, she very intuitively chose me (whether she realised that or not).

I say this because as she began to express her specific concerns about her little boy, I realised that he is incredibly similar to mine. We are both mothers to only children and both are little boys. My son, Jude – is eight years old and hers is four. She began to explain to me that her little boy is displaying signs of being an empath and she voiced her worries that this may affect him in a negative manner socially.

​I really was blown away by what she described to me and then knew exactly why she had headed in my direction. Reading the things she described, was like taking me back in time to when Jude was younger… so I felt that I could definitely offer a little bit of reassurance and advice, considering that Jude is four years older than her little boy. We didn’t talk too much about it and I left wondering if I had given her the reassurance she as after… so I thought perhaps I would write this post instead and then share it with her.

I am an empath and so is Jude, but being one myself has not always helped me along the journey of parenting one. From a tiny little boy, Jude has always been very unique and his social behaviour used to concern me greatly too. I was never sure whether to leave it as is or to try and enforce what are considered social norms. I am ever grateful that I chose the former and allowed my son to blossom into whoever was mean to be.

​To everyone else reading this, if you are unsure about what an empath is, this article HERE gives fantastic insight into the traits of such individuals. But as a brief overview, an empath is a person who is energetically and emotionally influenced by other people and/or circumstance. They have a heightened intuitive sense and are exceptionally receptive to energies and emotions…. They literally FEEL everything!

Whilst I consider this a gift as I have learnt to understand it, it has not always been this way for me, and sometimes it can be very difficult walking around with a rock in your stomach, having no idea where it came from, who it belongs to or why it is there. Being so highly connected to other people’s energies and emotional states has great advantages, but also presents several challenges.


Jude is an incredibly perceptive little boy and has always displayed traits which really do set him apart from other boys and girls his age… and anybody that knows him will testify to this, I am not just being bias because I am his mother haha! He is wise beyond his years and so emotionally and mentally advanced it is insane. Carrying this gift however, makes a person “different” and sometimes, being different isn’t always very well received by others.

When we would go out, Jude would never want to play with other children. He would always stay with us at the table (or wherever we were) and would play quietly by himself with his toys. He would watch the other children, but would never join them. In fact the only time he would ever go and enjoy the play gym’s etc. was if there were absolutely NO other kids there, which as you can imagine, didn’t happen very often. And if he was playing and another child arrived, he would study them for a moment and would then leave and come back to us.

​As a mother, this used to concern me greatly because I wanted him to socially engage with other children – and for quite some time, I did try and persist with the issue, but it used to upset him greatly, so I eventually decided to leave it alone and trust that he knew what was best for him in that situation.

I can recall, how as little as he was, if he watched something on television that made him unhappy, uncomfortable or uneasy, he would always immediately tell me ”mommy, I don’t want to watch this anymore, it is making my heart sore.” Coming from such a tiny little tot, I always loved how he had the maturity to identify what was good soul food for him and what wasn’t.


As a mother, this used to concern me greatly because I wanted him to socially engage with other children – and for quite some time, I did try and persist with the issue, but it used to upset him greatly, so I eventually decided to leave it alone and trust that he knew what was best for him in that situation.

I can recall, how as little as he was, if he watched something on television that made him unhappy, uncomfortable or uneasy, he would always immediately tell me ”mommy, I don’t want to watch this anymore, it is making my heart sore.” Coming from such a tiny little tot, I always loved how he had the maturity to identify what was good soul food for him and what wasn’t.

​Once, when having trouble with him eating his food, he got a lecture from me about all the starving children in this world. I got a little carried away and actually showed him photos of what starving children looked like. Well, the tactic may have worked in terms of eating issues, but let me tell you – I felt like the worst mother on planet earth, as he completely broke down into tears when he saw those photos. It literally broke his little heart to see that and it has affected him to this day. If anyone mentions starving children, or street children he gets highly emotional and upset about it.

I can remember how hard it was for me to understand such overwhelming emotion as a child, so I can imagine how challenging it is for their little minds and hearts to process it too…

​But my point in writing this article was to offer peace of mind to other moms that may be sitting in similar situations with their children and are concerned about it.

Yes, Jude is definitely different to other children – that is his GIFT! I have allowed him to grow into his OWN person and now he is absolutely flourishing. As I said in the conversation I had… where he used to avoid playing with other children… nowadays, when he is finished his homework, he cannot get out of the door fast enough to go and play with whoever he can find!

​As he has gotten older, he is learning to process emotions better and is also better equipped to handle them. I know that I can say for myself… I would never want to lose the gift I have been granted of being an empath. It has made my journey so far in life an incredibly interesting rollercoaster ride haha – but one that has taught me so many valuable lessons.

Being in the position of heightened perception grants you so many truly unique and wonderfully valuable attributes as an individual and as my little boy grows older and I see what an absolutely precious and beautiful soul he has, I am reminded of how lucky he is to have such a gift and how blessed I am to have the opportunity to hold his hand as he walks the journey of life.

​He is an absolutely phenomenal little man and I know he will do great things with his life… he already is! Any fears and worries that I had about him back then, have all evaporated into thin air! I am blessed with a truly magnificent little boy and I am very thankful that he is able to connect to people and things in such a heightened and intuitive manner. It is precisely that which makes him so precious.


Until next time...
Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx


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This is fabulous. I'm an empath, too. It's a little bit of a blessing at times, and a bit of a curse at others. It is so wnderful that you are allowing Jude to grow into his own person, rather than trying to mold/shape him as many parents would do. 💖

Raising children is the single most difficult thing a person could ever do. My oldest son display's strong traits of empathy, coupled with stronger traits of depression, and finding a good balance for him is a daily struggle. Even at 17 (or especially because he's 17) I, and he, are never sure if his moods are due to teenage moodiness, depression, or empathy. I guide him the best I can but... he's 17.. and has depression... and .. and.. and so on.

His younger brother is the exact opposite and doesn't feel a damn thing for anyone. He's much easier to deal with but, and I'd never tell him this, much less fun to be with as a result.

Oh aint that the truth!

Raising children is the single most difficult thing a person could ever do.

And it does not come with a handbook

Sure sounds like you have had your shares of tests and challenges as a parent, but I with that said, even with all the ups and downs... the rewards are worth it :)

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Thanks for sharing this. I always felt I have a touch of that. I suppose there are varying degrees. I personally have to limit my news consumption. I never could understand how folks could just read the most horrific stories then just carry on unscathed with their day where I am like deflated and down. I guess it is like you say I seem to feel deeper than most. Anyways, thanks again.

Interesting you said JUST THAT (re. the news) - right now, literally a second ago, as Dave sits across me at the table he kept shoving his phone in my face with videos of, well - things I would rather not see - and so I asked him how he can stand being constantly bombarded emotionally with all of that!

I do NOT watch the news at all.... well, VERY little!!! I just Can't! It consumes me on an emotional and mental level that leaves me completely and utterly depleted! If say, its a rape or a murder, then I want to get inside the head of the perpetrator so I study their photos, eyes and so it goes... it literally swallows you and then the emotion follows... I affects me WAY too much, the psychology, the emotion and everything else (from all sides)... so I do my best to avoid it.

There was an incident once, years ago when we had invited friends over for an evening. I was in an abusive marriage at the time, so I was already carrying a large amount of emotional baggage at that time in my life and specifically on that day. The second they all started arriving, I was completely overwhelmed by all "their" personal stuff - most likely because I was already in a state of fragility. I knew I could not deal with them being there... I literally felt like I was going to explode. I sat on the couch, closed my eyes and with all the rage and fury I felt I wished them all away. I wished and wished and wished! Within 45 min, they all buggered off. Left their drinks, snacks, meat and everything else they had brought... and not a negative word was spoken. It was an incident I will never forget... one which really opened my eyes to my acute levels of sensitivity as well as energetic influence.

So, much like you - I try my best nowadays to avoid things and people that give me too much baggage to carry.

Yes you totally get it. You expressed it perfectly. Two weeks ago while my kids and I were swimming in the lake we live on, just across from us a young, fit 21 year old male drowned. We kept seeing all the police boats and helicopters. They couldn't find his body for several days. I tell all of that to say that I could not believe all the people that continued on water-skiing and playing around like nothing had happened. It was unreal to me to be playing in the same water until his remains were recovered. People are just so nonchalant about the suffering and pain of others.

It is nice to know there are a few of us that care, so thank you for sharing your thoughts.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

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You can tell even from photos looking in his eyes there is a lot of depth there! I can definitely relate to a lot of this, as well. It sounds like you've done a really great job of understanding your boy and figuring out ways how to help him thrive! I imagine he's going to go on to do big things in life if he can continue to use those strengths of his to change the world for the better. 💚

What a wonderful son you have there and I'm so glad you decided to let him grow into what ever it was meant for him to grow into, that beautiful, intuitive and empathetic child!
I had never heard of empath before so it was all new to me but I could see how it could be quite concerning if he wasn't socializing. It's amazing that it turns around like that and he became very social!
Thanks for sharing!

Sounds like a great little guy who is definitely growing into his own person! Being perceptive and attuned to other people's needs and wants makes it possible to be a better leader and team player!

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