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RE: [PARENTING] To Spank or Not To Spank? My childhood experience, what I learned and how I incorporated that into parenthood

in #parenting8 years ago

The candor with which you wrote was personally very refreshing to me.

At one point in your story I found that tears were forming in my eyes as I recalled my own childhood and the lessons I personally learned as my wife and I struggled to raise five moral human beings.

I think, partly, my tears started flowing because of the honesty with which you approached this article. You just laid all this out in the sun for the community (a lot of them, voluntaryist who are completely against spanking in any form) to inspect and had that "let the chips fall where they may" mindset. Much respect! btw, I'm your new follower.

Your article made me come to terms with my own failure to just be who I am on Steemit (in the area of child rearing). I've been silent in my position of parenting for fear of reprisal from a, largely, anarchist community. I too spanked (or what anarchists call "initiate force" upon another individual (my kids) who did not physically harm or threaten to harm me). But I was ALWAYS in control...always instructive....always compassionate to their weaknesses and frailties as human beings and, more importantly, always loving. I never grounded any of my kids. Once the spanking was over, they KNEW their consciences were ABSOLUTELY CLEAR. No one was ever mad or left to wonder if there was more. The wrong was clearly explained (even as very young kids, they started to understand. My voice was always kind...I NEVER yelled at them, cause I remember the voice of my dad and how it would just get on my nerves as he just talked and talked in his anger.

But my motive in spanking, as I see was yours was as well, was to instill a DEEP respect and honor for all things RIGHT and good! A LOT of people would see inflicting pain on someone as counter intuitive, and, I guess it kinda is. They see it as "teaching a person to hit by example." But I can tell you that my children, now grown (the oldest is 21), are some of the most polite, respectful, fun, socially adjusted, liberty-loving, peaceful people you'd ever wanna meet.

From the first day that I held my firstborn's little bitty hand in mine, I vowed that I would NEVER ever treat this child like my dad and mom treated me (with uncontrolled punishments that could have really physically damaged me and my brothers and left us with no sense of "we really deserved that." I would always be fair, and they would never have to guess what right and wrong were. I would be their trusted guide and their most loyal friend.

Your article was very very good @merej99! It cut straight to my heart! Thank you!


Thank you for sharing your experiences too. It really moved me as I could see the similarities. My boys are 18, 20 and 21. Like yours, they are polite - in fact, I used to get calls all the time about how wonderful and helpful my boys were when they visited a friends house. Most of the time I would think Are you talking about MY kid??? or "Why can't I have my good kids sometimes?* LOL
But it's a testament that we didn't screw up too badly. I don't deny there are severe abuses of parental authority. I stayed controlled because I did not want to be my mother. And my kids are not damaged and neither am I.
Thank you for taking the time to stop by. It really does mean a lot to me. And thanks for the follow too! <3

Whoops, one last comment.
Once I stopped thinking of my boys as kids and starting thinking about them as young men, the barriers went down a little with permission on all sides to consider one another, a peer. They don't get to call me Meredith. I'll always be mom, but they know I'm there as their loyal friend and trusted guide. They fully graduate when they become parents. lol

Awesome response. Sounds like you're a great mom! Nice to make your acquaintance Meredith! I'm excited to read more of your content!

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