Our day at the family park!

in #parenting7 years ago

While Leo is currently visiting his grandparents solo, I'm trying to keep Miro occupied, and offer him some together time with his dad. It seems we've always done everything as a full family unit, and I don't think personal father-to-son bonding is very easy when there are others around.

Anyway, took Miro to the family park in Laune today. Miro seemed to like it, first taking a kick scooter in the traffic park while I was relaxing in the park bench. Then we found ourselves climbing the spiderwebs for a while.

We then took a quick pause to eat a hamburger with coffee (for me) and raspberryjuice (for Miro), hamburger which Miro then declined to eat, along with the juice, so I had to eat the rest. Thank goodness I hadn't bought two of them, I'm trying to lose some extra weight off my mid-section. (Saved the juice for Miro despite his protestations).

I soon realized I hadn't taken any photos, so I started shooting as we came back to the park grounds after the coffee and hamburger.

Swinging... Grinning...

The day was full of smiles and kind of unusual in the way that Miro didn't mind the occasional touch. He was even holding my hand a lot, a thing he doesn't do very often, and talking to other kids.

The charm in speed...

I mean he really likes to talk. He would talk to people of all ages, races or genders, I bet he'd talk non-stop with aliens from space if he'd get the chance. He just doesn't keep anything in.

Spinning and posing #1

He's begun to accept that his father is always taking photographs, and is becoming more or less a lens bug himself. Nowadays it's been easier day by day to take a photo of him.

He's all smiles!

...and so cute and handsome.

We also went to check out the silly little boats in the silly little river.

Letting the boat go...

...and catching it again (to pour the water out)

Miro is an exceptional kid, as he can at one moment be full of joy and laughter, and in the next all hell breaks loose.

The pose is off... Hole in One!, ah, umm... 5 tries.

In the end, we went minigolfing. That might have been a mistake on my part. I guess Miro was starting to get a bit tired, and when he started losing in the game, he put up quite a show. First he tried to break the putter, then he started hitting the golf courses. At the height of his outburst, he decided to swing the putter at another party playing over the adjacent course. Gladly no-one was hit, but I was quite ashamed about it. (Aspergers is a possibility, and when he starts school this Fall, the school psychologist will take it upon her to see to it that he gets diagnosed. It has all been pre-arranged for us, gladly.)

So, I kind of skipped the rest of the courses and gave random scores for Miro to keep him calm. Then I drove us home.

There's still a lot I'd like to tell about today's happenings, but my back started aching a while ago and I'm a bit tired too, so I think I'll stop this story short. Maybe I'll find time to write about it some other day.

Thanks for reading. It is always fun to write here. :)

See you all again soon!

[Previous post: One photo every day: Minigolf with Miro (15/365)]

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Miro is normally very likable and funny.

I remember one prominent Finnish go player having had a tendency to lose it over a lost game of billiards. He never broke any stuff or caused any harm to anybody but would pace around and fulminate for a while in a way uncharacteristic of a mature adult. That was about 20 years ago. He was in his mid-thirties at the time. He had and still has many traits that I believe are indicators of Asperger's syndrome.

Oh wow, didn't realise one of your boys might have Aspergers. I'm glad you having him checked out - that way you'll now how to deal with situation better if need be.
I read a book once (a few years back actually) that touched on Aspergers... If your son does have it, then he'll probably love routine. Amazing he had a great day then seeing this was out of the norm. Good on him 😁😁👍🏻👍🏻

Yep, there was a suspicion that Leo had Aspergers too, but when he finally got tested for it, the psychiatrists said that although he has some indicators, they didn't think he was an Asperger after all. (I bet if he had been diagnosed earlier, his indicators might have been stronger.)

Miro is a clear cut case I think, bordering on autistic on scale. I really hope we get some help for him, because we fear these spouts of aggression and stubborness might become a real problem when he gets older.

He's really adorable, but when something doesn't go the way he sees fit, it may lead to a meltdown.

My problem is I don't have any routine in my bones, I am "a chaos" as one rehab course teacher described me in an interview. I am not sure how I can provide my son with structured routines when I myself can't seem to get a handle on them at all.

I'm still quite thankful for time we shared today. It was really fun.

Wow, that can be tough. But you know what, this is a curve ball that has been thrown in your direction and just something you guys are going to have to throw all your heart mind and strength into...
Aspergers (or Autism) is definitely something that can be managed, but yes, you'll just have to learn routine... Might be tough for you guys but will be great for your son!!
From a father to a father, I know you'll do whatever it takes to provide the best for your kids that you can :D

Hehe, thanks for the encouragement! :)

My son often doesn't like to be photographed. In fact now (hes 16), he usually puts his hand up to block it like a Hollywood star lol

Heh, my older son has been on/off about it, he used to be such a lens-bug till he started school, then suddenly got very "private" when I tried photographing him, only to later relax again and now they are both always posing for a shot. ;)

So good to see children enjoy and have a good time. That will ring good feelings to the parents as well. DO as much as possible together an adventure the world !

I'll make sure of that, thank you for the support. :)

Reminds me of Happy Gilmore.

Thanks... I have no idea how though. ;)

he looks really happy! great post

Thank you! I'm a lucky dad.

you welcome, family first! steem on

Are you fulltime crypto ?

That depends on what you mean by the question. I am "heavily" invested in cryptos, if you can call my initial investment "heavy" by any measure. Anyway, I do hope I'm one day making a living with them.

Oh,wow. Boy looks really happy.every boy needs to spend time about himself.he really looks happy in this moments and all pictures are reflecting that. And also a great post to read and watch.nice.upvoted

Thank you, I really appreciate these comments. :)

Your son looks like he has a great time. :D
I feel like a kid again :))

Nice blog. Its So Nice to be around the kids when they have a Good time.

I can vouch for that. Thanks. :)

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