Getting dizzy with Miro

in #parenting6 years ago (edited)

I'm getting a bit queasy just watching him spin...


...and spin.

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Seems like Miro is enjoying by it! Jaro, did you notice the "Safety Rubber Surface" on the floor of there? My company is producing them!


He will have a proper childhood and he already have a loving father, I am sure!

Our step-father was ruined ours (mine and my brother's childhood and our mother's time with us during those years), but it's a long story and I don't want to be negative.

I guess Miro and you might have something common (in recalling the recent post you wrote). We are in the process of evaluating if he is in the autist spectrum, as he does indeed have some traits that exhibit a difference to the "norm". It has resulted in much dispatch between home and school about his certain inabilities to "fit in" and act timely, and not get aggressive at the smallest of inconveniences.

I just hope we can ameliorate things for him before it is too late.

But for your encouraging words, I am grateful!

I wonder how does this autist spectrum works. Because I know from my experience that I'm a total alien nerd out of this world. Are you sure? He looks normal. Just a bit more happy compared to regular kids (Just like me. I was the same when I was young).

You can't easily tell whether someone has Asperger's or not from a random snapshot like this.

Autism spectrum is, as the name suggests, a continuum of the severity of autistic traits. Among other things, autism affects how sensations are processed by the brain. Normally, a vast majority our sensations are heavily abstracted or filtered out by the brain so as to enable us to focus that which is relevant. An autistic person has broken filters in the sense that some perceptions are blown completely out of proportion in their minds commanding an intense focus. For example, a tag in the back of a shirt or a seam can feel so disturbing that a child can be totally unwilling to wear certain types of clothing. A normal child would adjust to such things quickly. Autists are great sticklers to routine because routine helps them organize their chaotic experience of the world.

Not only is sensory information processed abnormally by the brains of autists but some of their internal mental states, too. Many people on the autism spectrum have difficulty mentally processing their own emotions and, consequently, the emotions of others and social cues. Their theory of mind concerning themselves and others is typically lagging behind age appropriate levels in children and youth. An autistic child can, for example, burst into powerful anger over something trivial and it can take a long time for that child to calm down.

Asperger's syndrome is a relatively mild form of autism. In addition to Miro who will probably receive a diagnosis, I've known at least four people with a diagnosis. All of them are adults. Each one of them is an individual like anyone else but what's in common with them all is sort of living in a tunnel mentally as @gamer00 aptly put it.

Hmmm, I wonder what should be done to help kids with those symptoms.
Can they like... gradually adjust to their states of mind and slowly iron themselves to be able to progress in life later and become independent.

There are methods of rehabilitation for people afflicted with autism spectrum disorder.

One guy with Asperger's syndrome had trained himself to look people in the eyes when speaking to them. He said it had taken him six years. He had serious difficulties at school. This guy never graduated from upper secondary school because he could not bring himself to complete all the given assignments on time or at all or be present when required.

Yea well the differences are in the brains so they are often invisible to the camera.

He is so happy ....

@gamer00 - Sir you son enjoyed well by this new park item... Bringing them outside in this Spring can make them more beautiful memories Sir...


Very good that you spend time outside with him, it's so important. Keep hitting those training sessions bud, you're gonna need the fitness, hehehe

miro looks so cute he is having a great time out there,hope he had enjoyed a lot.

Aww so cute and lovely 😍❤️😍❤️. God bless you and your family sir always stay happy healthy. see the happiness on Miro's face 😍❤️.God bless him always..

That series would make an interesting .gif.

Friend. Again, I congratulate you for your great love for your children. I see that you do everything possible so that they are well, I imagine Leo very proud of having you as a father. Now with respect to Miro everything with the love of mother and father everything is overcome. It is possible that the child has a very strong character and always the second children want to impose themselves, but I see that you handle the situation very well, making him feel very happy.
God Bless Your Family

He is very good on that spinning thing! I was never good with this spinning thing as a child. I preferred to climb trees and stole mangos from my meighbour! What a challenge not to get caught!! That’s the thrill, never ate those mangos!

I have seen some kids became much more sociable after some horse riding lessons. Some rich people here send their children to have some kind of horse riding therapy in Germany! These children have some difficulty in communicating with people in crowds, a bit of autism signature. The results were astounding!

Some Americans tried the swimming with dolphins therapy. That’s an experiment which works out very well. Somehow certain kinds of animals have a very positive effect on children’s brain waves.

Heh, replace those mangos with apples and you get happens all over scadinavia. :)

I agree, animls have that effect on kids.

So glad to hear that children there could run around the fields and orchards and just be naughty.

Nowadays, children in Thailand could do this in countryside only!
NO more space to play and hunt for adventure in cities like in the old days!

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