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RE: [Blog] Thoughts from the Front Lines: Explaining Differences

in #parenting7 years ago

I like your approach in your conclusion - so far I haven't encountered blatant comparisons with my little one (4 years), as she's super social and usually is more interested in playing with everyone than criticizing (for now, I guess...) and doesn't seem to discriminate based on anything except sketchy character (which is impressive to me, she's better at that than I am, lol!). But I know that day will come when she picks up on that sort of thing from peers, etc. I always figured I'd approach it with something like: "if everyone was the same then life would be boring" as that's my personal philosophy. But adding love into things is always a good thing!3


Yeah, I hadn't really dealt with a lot of comparisons for my kids until a few things started arising with them and their very-close-in-age cousins. I was out swinging them all on the swings when they began asking me about a conversation they'd had in which one cousin was excited about beginning preschool and one of my kids said, "We don't go to school - our mom is going to teach us." This was a subject of much puzzlement and bewilderment between them and I wasn't sure the usual "people do different things" was going to answer. So I ended up pointing out that people decide to do different things and mamas and daddys love their children very much and always do their best to help them become grownups who can do well at grownup things. We'll see what happens as time goes by and the differences become more marked...

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