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RE: How do you defend yourself from unwanted parenting advice?

in #parenting6 years ago (edited)

I find that in most instances when I get caught off-guard by well meaning people, I might take the time to explain what happened or just smile and ignore. I know some people can be outright rude, but unless otherwise needed, I would tackle them by speaking respectfully and nicely. Or I might just sweep them away with a broom. Lol! It's not easy, but it's been a deliberate choice I have made since I became a Mama. My responsibility is to my children, and that includes showing them how to treat people and how to respond regardless of the circumstances. We don't have to behave like how others behave. And when we reach home and everyone's comfy, I'll take the right time to explain what happened to my little ones, especially my firstborn who is near 3yo and we learn together as a short lesson. I'll ask her questions the best I can on the level of understanding she has and we can give answers together.


We should lead by example at all times, you are right. Though sometimes others make that choice nearly impossible for us by misbehaving worse than the kids.

Hahaha yea, some people don't have social manners that's for sure. When that happens I may just sternly tell them off and flip hair lol

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