TRIBUTE TO @papa-pepper: THE PLANTS IN OUR APARTMENTsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #papa-pepper7 years ago (edited)


Let's talk about the plants in our apartment


When we started to rent the apartment in Burnaby, we moved with our plants.

Miracle Fruit

One of these plant was a Miracle Fruit, officially known as Synsepalum dulcificum.

Miracle Fruit

We had bought this plant in 2011 in Florida and came back with in in August 2012. We had all kinds of problems bringing it to Canada. This will be explained in due time in the story of my life. For now, let's just say that we nickname our miracle fruit bush "the illegal immigrant".

Miracle fruits have a very interesting characteristic:

When the fleshy part of the fruit is eaten, this molecule binds to the tongue's taste buds, causing sour foods to taste sweet.

So, when you drink beer after eating one miracle fruit, it tastes sweet, not bitter. I am not sure @meesterboom would appreciate this!

Our illegal immigrant produced fruits the first two years, then started to slowly die. Soon after the move to the apartment, we decided to let it go.


Banana Bush

In 2012, we also bought a banana bush. In 2015, it started to die, but it has produced a child. So, we cut the original bush.

The son was also dying when we moved to the apartment, but it had also produced two children. We cut the son and now we have two grandsons of the original banana bush.



Low Mallow


This is a Malva pusilla, also known as "low mallow".
It is an invasive plant, but we like it, as it produces beautiful flowers.


The low mallow is currently on our balcony and is still flowering.
We may leave it there for the winter, or bring it inside.



This orchid has flowered several times after we bought it, but has not done so in the last two years.
Maybe it does not like to be compared to the Eiffel Tower?

Christmas Cactus


This Christmas cactus is actually inside the apartment. I just moved it to the balcony to photograph it.

I believe it is either a Schlumbergera truncata or a Schlumbergera orssichiana.

The one on top is over twenty years old. It has produced many beautiful flowers similar to these ones:


The cacti in the lower pots are in fact parts of the original plant that have been planted. They are doing well and we expect them to flower soon.

My Cactus


This was a gift from my daughter Betty ( @bettym3 ) for my birthday 3 years ago.

As indicated to me in his comment by @galberto, the name of this plant is Sansevieria trifasciata, commonly named "snake plant", "snake tongue" or "mother-in-low's tongue".

It does not need a lot of care and it is growing very slowly. This is exactly the kind of plant I need.

Notice the other Eiffel Tower on the clock. Yes, you can see that I am French!


As always, I am @vcelier and here is the proof:


Until next time...

Don't waste your time online, invest it with

GIF provided by @malos10


(except what I stole from @papa-pepper)



interesting ..
so you actually have bananas and I was lolling to read that the grandpa died and so did the dad :D
well.. what matters most is that you've outlived the banana plants
perhaps you should repot the sucker or the smaller plant so the bigger one could grow further. If you fertilize it - it can have a chance of growing

is the "illegal immigrant" one with fruit that makes everything you eat sweet? or is that something else?

it's amazing that you have tropical plants growing in your apartment man! and obviously - papa has been a huge"proof" influence to you :D

is the "illegal immigrant" one with fruit that makes everything you eat sweet?

Yes, it is.

obviously - papa has been a huge"proof" influence to you :D

Obviously! 😊

I see !
lucky you then - you won't be needing sugar when it fruits cause you could just collect them, freeze, take a bite - a very small one and you can eat anything and the food would always taste wonderful!

The smuggling and the Eiffel Towers are epic moments inside this post.

I spent some time right near you in Burnaby in several places and have friends there who would also appreciate your flowers.

I have really started to appreciate flowers later in life, I have to admit.

I love it. I envy people with a real green-thumb. I especially love the Christmas Cactus. Growing up in Newfoundland my mother and my grandmother both had these. They lived forever :)
Thanks for sharing.

Love how you care for you plants! Shows a lot of character. At my house in Florida I took great pride in what I had growing too. Enjoyed the post Vincent!

The miracle berry is amazing! I've tried it in a freeze dried form. Would love to have a real plant. How well does it grow in your climate in Canada. I'm UK based (South East). 🌿

How well does it grow in your climate in Canada.

Not well. As I said in the post, it died after 5 years.

I'm UK based (South East)

I don't think it would do well where you live.

Very good stuff my friend. I was missing you earlier today!

Dear i love your garden in apartment ok my favorite of your plants it is the cactus thst help to get oxigen and is good for your help. It is name snake tongue
I too hope enjoy fruit of bananas but with the big leaves you could uses it in the kitchen.
For cook some food.
Best regard @galberto

Thank you for giving me the name of my cactus.

it is a pleasure my friend i love the plants special the endible and the medicinal plant and you have a great plant your cactus is Sansevieria, an amazing medicinal plant like its name local is espada del diablo, spade of devil, curarina, lengua de suegra or mother in law tongue, and snake plant, because it is good to aply it when you have an infection or a poisonous by animal this plant could help you.
In our yard there is a lot and is uses only as ornamental plant, when i see your plants i feel very happy to identify this i hope you enjoy it. Ok we continuing share amazing contents ok best regard @galberto.

I saw some on sale at our local Carrefour supermarket, but I hesitated. Now I need to rush back and buy two or three before they're all gone. Thanks for the useful information!
The Spanish names are quite amusing (but my suegra is a very sweet, lovable old lady).

Amazing yes, buy it very fast because it is very very wonderful plants for purify the oxigen around you, and it is very beautiful plants, yes i do not know for what reason have the name of suegra, it is nice that have a sweety suegra it is very very good.
Best regard @galberto.

I see you hiding in that banana tree!

I am not hiding!
And it is not a tree.

Thanks for letting us have a peek at your beautiful plants! Plus making us discover the synsepalum,it has an interesting look and now we re curious to try out those fruits. it's cool to know we're not the only ones giving nicknames to our green friends! Great post!

Merci pour ces commentaires.

Loving the proof of shot!

I had heard of those miracle fruit plants. I had never thought to grow indoors so forgot about them but I think I will have a bash at growing one. It's very intriguing the sour/sweet thing.

I think that you need a high degree of humidity for it to be healthy.
I think this is one of the reasons why it died after so many years of being mostly indoor.

I have a heated box thing that I use for growing some of my chilli plants that are quite sensitive. I might be able to rig something up.

Worth a potential bash! Although I will probably wait till next spring because it's getting rather dark here now

Excellent. Tell us about this in some of your colourful posts!

I most definitely will!

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