PICK A PARTNER Challenge: Ewuoso and Juliet Israel

in #pap6 years ago (edited)

Yeah, so yesterday, @funmiakinpelu organised a contest to celebrate the international women's day. Which entailed a lady picking a male partner and they both answer questions as dictated by @funmiakinpelu and two(2) other random questions.
Here's an insight into the contest

For this challenge, I picked @ewuoso and we both had fun answering the questions, lol.....especially the 2 random questions which were......erm, I don't know.
Find out.........

#Juliet: Hello Ewuoso, are you ready for the pap questions now?

#Ewuoso: Yes I am if you are

#Juliet: Yaay💃💃💃
I'm ready, so let's get started 😌😉
I'd ask the questions one after the other, and wait for you to answer before asking the next one.
You should do same too

#Ewuoso: Hit me

#Juliet: As ladies, no doubt, we have been made to go through the worst experiences in the hands of men - Battery, single mothering, rape, sexual molestation by uncles and cousins and househelps. No matter what we say about how men also get these treatments, the truth is females are mostly affected. Being a guy, can you explain why you think these things happen? Simply put, why do men abuse women? And then, knowing the problems what do you think can be done?
First question 👆🏻

#Ewuoso: Firstly there is this sense of superiority that the male feel over women. I don't know whether its because we came to earth first according the Holy bible or its because we have an edge over you in terms of strength or because we think we labour more but I as a man do not and will not support women being abused
In your question there was a part you indicated that men also get their treatments
But it falls more on a side
Talking about uncles and cousins molesting children. I guess the fault will be from the parents. We know how things work now. We know we cannot trust even our blood so I guess parents should play more role on security

I cannot deny the fact that there are a lot of hungry lions (man) whose dicks are cursed and can insert it in your nose if you allow them

#Juliet: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

#Ewuoso: I cannot lay my hands on a particular reason why men abuse women but what I know is that people can be wicked

#Juliet: Hmmn....Men in particular actually

#Ewuoso: So no matter how good a woman can be, some men will be more wicked than their good

#Juliet: On point✌

#Ewuoso: Some men are aggressive and egoistic and cannot stand some attitudes some ladies display.

#Juliet: All men you mean?

#Ewuoso: Some
Some ladies nag
Some men cannot tolerate
Some ladies also believes that a man is not supposed to raise hands at them and they go beyond their boundaries. You will receive beating and I won't be there to save you

I am not justifying men but I believe ladies should be more careful

#Juliet: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Why should a guy beat a lady🤷‍♀
Anyway, nice points raised

#Ewuoso: In the case of rape, ladies have the right to feel comfortable in their dress but should also know that there are rapist out there

#Ewuoso: If you get raped, you live with with stigma
Even if the rapist is punished. Be wise
Why should a lady make a man beat her.

#Juliet: You Don finish book for this question already
No more extra sheet.
And we still have 2 more questions to go
Let's get to the next question please 😜

#Ewuoso: Oya

#Juliet: On to question number 2

#Ewuoso: Yes

#Juliet: You know how women are parading themselves around, talking about how they should have equal rights with men. How they should be able to work, eat, talk and behave like men. Now, most of these women abandon marriage and family hood for their careers. What do you really think about this? Is this the way forward?

#Ewuoso: I think understanding matters most. Someone like me will be happy if I come back from work and meet my wife with my children but if my wife has careers to pursue so be it. It is however important to you your partner well before you marry him or her.

I believe in equal rights but it has to be decision. If my wife will agree to my terms then no shii. If she wants more then no shii to. I am okay if she loves me

#Juliet: Chai
I want to probe further o
Am I allowed?

#Ewuoso: Feel free

#Juliet: Smiles....
You're talking about terms, what kind of terms are you talking about?
Secondly, you mean you'd actually....in this age and time....want your wife to be a full time house wife?

#Ewuoso: When will you go to work? When will you come back?.
When you actually leave work late, will you branch another place or you come home straight.
Will our baby lack their mothers care
Will they be left alone?

#Juliet: You didn't talk about the terms🤷‍♀

#Ewuoso: I don't want my wife to be a full housewife. I want her to work for money too. I drop 70 and she drops 30
They are in form of questions
Read again

#Juliet: Let's get to the next question

#Ewuoso: Okay

#Juliet: What turns you on and what turns you off in a woman? By extension, what is your own idea of feminine beauty? Fatness, tallness, business, shortness. Talk am.

#Ewuoso: I don't like short
I don't like very fat
I crave attention

What turns me on
Is it sexually

#Juliet: Nope, you've answered already
It's your turn to ask me those questions
When we're done, I'll ask you my 2 random questions

#Ewuoso: My turn
My questions

#Juliet: Yes please,
Go ahead

#Ewuoso: Everybody knows the stomach is the way to a man's heart ♥. But we rarely know what the way is to a woman's heart. So, can you tell me what the way to a woman's heart is? How can I make a woman love me more?

#Juliet: Lol, first that statement tho. Is it really true? Is the stomach the only way?🤔
Well, that's not the question though, so let me get to it

#Ewuoso: Well this is an automated question
I also don't believe
Stomach is never a way to my heart
And it can never be

#Juliet: hahaha, don't tell me you don't like food.
If there is one way to a man's heart, then I'll say there are thousands and more ways to a woman's heart
Women, naturally are insatiable

#Ewuoso: Yeah they are.

#Juliet: Lol, forget that I'm a woman, I know these things
That being said, instead of finding the way, or ways to a man's heart, you just need to make her love you
Women are different

#Ewuoso: Its the same now

#Juliet: I know but slightly different
Instead of looking for a way to the heart(which you may never find), just make her love you and you might find the other ways to her heart
Women love attention, and indeed, we are different.
But one paramount thing is that we like attention

#Ewuoso: Are you sure all women love attention

#Juliet: Most of them though....probably not all...could be a selected few who don't.

#Juliet: There are women that are moved by word of mouth, others are moved by touch, others are moved by gifts, and many others.
Sometimes, some prefer even all.
You just have to know which one your woman fits in...
Get to do it consistently and you'll gradually win her love

#Ewuoso: What about women that don't love you and will never love yhi

#Juliet: Hehehe
You have digressed o
That's not part of the question😜
But why kill yourself for a lady that'll never love you?
If she doesn't love you, leave her na🤣

#Ewuoso: That's true sha. But what if you can't stop thinking about her
Next question

#Juliet: Lol, waiting

#Ewuoso: You ladies keep talking about feminism and women rights and all that kind of thing. But I am confused here. What exactly is feminism and do men have a role to play in it?

#Juliet: Lol. Feminism
This feminism talk tickles me all the time. I don't know if I'm one or not though🤷‍♀
Feminism is just like girl power, gender equality etc
The females propose that we should have an equal right when it comes to politics, relationship, education and the likes....

When we're talking about feminism in relation to the role a man has to play in it
It'll mean giving us equal rights to love
For example, a man wants to be worshiped like a god
And he treats the lady like a slave
This is totally unacceptable

#Ewuoso: Not fair

#Juliet: If you want love, respect and adoration, then we should also get same...equal
We also deserve some form of respect
I hate it when I see guys talk down n their ladies simply because they feel they're the head

#Ewuoso: True

#Juliet: And we must respect them no matter what

#Ewuoso: So are you trying to say a man should not feel like a man.

#Juliet: No No No
If I respect you as a woman, you should also respect me....and that will definitely make you feel like a man....init?

#Ewuoso: Like when you go out and he opens the door for you
Or when you guys wants to sit and he pulls out your chair first and allows you sit

#Juliet: woohoo....
We're not saying we don't want that.

Infact, we really do
All we're saying is, don't talk down on us because you feel we're under you
or, like some men would say...
Women came from under our armpit
So they should and must be under us
Whatever we say goes....blah blahblah

#Ewuoso: So he does all that and you allow him because you feel he is the king and he should lead
But when he scold you for doing something wrong yhu think he is senseless

#Juliet: Lol
There are different kind of scolding
There is the one done in love and a lady would know

#Ewuoso: Hmmm

#Juliet: There is also the one done to show superiority

#Ewuoso: True sha

#Juliet: Darling, I'd really like to have my dinner immediately I return home from work

How many times have I told you that I always want my food when I return home?
they pass the same message
But one is in love and the other is not

#Ewuoso: Hmmmmm

#Ewuoso: The first one is like he is just telling her for the first time
But the second is just like
He has been telling her but she is deaf

#Juliet: Yeah, I get
But how about being a little more gentle?
Do you know what she goes through each day? Taking care of the kids and all

#Ewuoso: How many times
Till she does not cook again right

#Juliet: Why will you hurt her with those hurtful words
Correct with love

You seem to be very much against this feminism thing

#Ewuoso: I support it 100 & 200% self

Next Question:
What one thing would you really want to change about a man if you had your way? Just one thing.

#Juliet: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
My man?
or men in general please?🤣

One thing I'd love to change about a man if I had my way is🤔
I'm still thinking though

#Ewuoso: Is?

#Juliet: Guys are different

#Ewuoso: 😄

#Juliet: But there's just one thing with almost all the guys

#Ewuoso: M listening

#Juliet: You guys are too stubborn

#Ewuoso: And girls are not abi

#Juliet: Lol, You don't want to listen to a lady's opinion because of your ego
You pride yourself too much in your ego
And it can be really annoying

#Ewuoso: 🙄

#Juliet: Before a guy will admit his faults and say sorry ehn,
It takes the grace of God o

#Ewuoso: But you guys should come first Shay
Don't be too sure Bout this

#Juliet: ladies first remember?

#Ewuoso: Well like you said
Men are different
I can only speak for myself

#Juliet: But, if there's one thing I want to change, it's your PRIDE

#Ewuoso: 👌🏿
Thanks for sharing ur view

#Juliet: So,
random questions

#Ewuoso: Yes
Hit me

#Juliet: erm, chai
What turns you on sexually??

#Ewuoso: The word sex turns me on

#Juliet: Lol....

#Ewuoso: Well
Laps does

#Juliet: Are you kidding me?
You mean, a lady's lap?

#Ewuoso: Like my girl in bum short

#Juliet: Oh, I see

#Ewuoso: Close to Paradise at least 😜

#Juliet: But would you like her to showcase that lap to the world or just you?
As in, wear bum shorts out?
As in, wear bum shorts out?

#Ewuoso: Why the world. What If it turns them on too
House oo...abeg

#Juliet: 😂😂😂
You stingy sha

#Ewuoso: Cleavage too
Anything that makes me see the laps sha
Might be a short gown
Seeing her nakedness at once might not turn me on as seeing the laps in a short gown
Ass doesn't

#Juliet: Hahaha

#Ewuoso: It irritates me 😢

And I like to kiss

#Juliet: 😂🤣😂

#Ewuoso: I guess that's all

#Juliet: lol
You finish work for here I swear

#Ewuoso: 🙄

#Juliet: Remember, this is going to steemit😂🤣
So, next question😜

#Ewuoso: I thought I should ask my own first
Then you ask the second
I'll ask the last

#Juliet: Oh, you want it that way?
Oya shoot

#Ewuoso: If your bf ain't good in bed, will you leave him

#Juliet: Lol,
Well, I don't even know what good in bed really means to you
Because for many, it could mean a different thing
A guy might be good in bed to a lady
And to another lady, he might not be able to satisfy her

#Ewuoso: He can't even have a decent sex
He cums sometimes even b4 insertion

#Juliet: Lol
No, are you kidding me for real?
You are asking me questions I have no answer to o
A good sex should be enjoyed by both parties
Not just one person taking all the enjoyment

#Ewuoso: Enjoyed by both parties

#Juliet: If he is not good enough to her, I believe they can both talk things out.
If I claim to love a guy, I can teach him what needs to be done and what doesn't need to be done na

#Ewuoso: Like allowing her to go out Shay

#Juliet: No o
I will tell him what I like
And together, we can make him good in bed....to my taste

#Ewuoso: Cool
Everybody deserves a good sex

#Juliet: Yeah

#Ewuoso: Ur turn

#Juliet: Okay
Irrespective of you being in a relationship or not, if you could date any woman on steemit, who would it be?

#Ewuoso: This question is very sensitive

#Juliet: I know😋😜

#Ewuoso: Okay
I think @oyinoza is a good girl
I am sure she has a bf sha

#Juliet: You really like this Oyinoza of a girl
Oyin is my friend

#Ewuoso: OK

#Juliet: So if you love her, it's fine by me😊

#Ewuoso: 👌🏿
Can we move on?

#Juliet: Lol
Sure, we can
Your turn

#Ewuoso: How do u explain this scenario?
A guy and a girl dating but the girl does not like to kiss the guy. Not because of mouth odour.
But she hardly want to kiss him
She might after the guy has complained thousand of times
And even if she does
Twill be for like 30 secs and that's it

Even sex
She just lay on the bed like a log of wood
That's if she even allow it self

#Juliet: hahahaha

#Ewuoso: The guy has to try to touch touch touch
I hope yhu get me?

#Juliet: You seem to be talking from experience guy
Yeah, I do
This is a very tough one
But I'll try my best
Okay, so this babe doesn't want to kiss and she doesn't want to do too
And she's bae
The guy will have to try to understand her
Why is she resisting?
She probably has her reasons you know
Understanding why she resists might go a long way in making her open up
For instance, she might have had a rough or scary past
Like the rape we talked about earlier on
What if she was raped?

#Ewuoso: She was not raped

#Juliet: Or she probably is a novice

#Ewuoso: Nope
She resists all the time

#Juliet: Not novice in the sense that she hasn't done it before

#Ewuoso: She has

#Juliet: But novice in the sense that she has not sabi the thing well well
Or perhaps, she just isn't in the mood

#Ewuoso: Maybe when she is 100years old.

#Juliet: Or maybe she doesn't like sex sha

#Ewuoso: Have you thought of the fact that she might not be interested in the guy

#Juliet: Oh
Seems you know the answer already

#Ewuoso: I don't want to be too sure

#Juliet: Then what is she doing in the relationship if she isn't interested in the guy?
I think it's best to talk to her
She could be sister mary for all I care

#Ewuoso: Cool
Thanks for the answers

#Juliet: Okay
Thanks for the answers too
It was fun doing this with you

#Ewuoso: 😄😄😄
Hope to do more in future........

And that was how the long, but interesting conversation came to an end.
Thanks a lot for this opportunity @funmiakinpelu. It made me see things from a guy's perspective.
It was fun. Thanks to @ewuoso for the funny answers he gave.

And erm, @oyinoza, just know that one Uncle is tripping for you o.
tongue out

Ciao Ciao...

Thanks for reading


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Wow! I love this. I didn't know about the contest,I would have participated because I love it when topics like feminism, equal rights etc comes up.

You can still participate for the contest @scilla-eu. It runs for five more days. I will be expecting your entry.

I actually thought it was just that day....

So I hope to read @scilla-eu's entry soon

Smiles, thank you.
It's actually fun

😍😍😍😍. Both of you ehn, well sha, lemme keep kwayet. I can't believe what I read. You guys explored the length, depth, breadth and height of each question. You talked about things that people would rarely talk about. You explored issues that have been left unspoken. In short, this is just 👌. I really wish you guys good luck. @ewuoso, hmmmm, I sha hope you have resteemed this post. You and @julietisrsael really rocked.

Funniest thing was i dinnor know twas gonna be that long. I just got engrossed. @juliestisrael is an interesting person.

I also did not know it was going to be long o...

It'll be better if you had said......we both got engrossed.
You're also a very interesting person.
Thanks for your time.

humans are selfish. sorry about that. yhuy made it interesting

We made it interestingly lit.


And funny enough, it was fun answering those questions...with him.
I guess choosing him as a partner for this challenge was the best decision.
We both got carried away. Lol

Thanks so much for the opportunity ma'am.
And yes, he resteemed immediately. Lol

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