
may I ask, what is your take on the thumbnails? I'm undecided myself

Nice, but small... Probably fine for younger people but hard for an old guy to see.

Yes, I need to learn how to size photo's next... Did you click to expand any?
I was just experimenting on this blog.
Thanks for the reply

I use to post pics it gives you a size option... I just experiment to get the size I want then save it. Being fundamentally a tech idiot- I didn't think of it lol!

Great answer, I saw that option and knew it could be done, I'm just pulled in so many directions and not doing anything well, but still getting some stories out anyway LOL
Cheers my friend

When it comes to computers, I'm a techno-idiot... If I can use it, it's got to be easy. To me a comp is just a glorified typewriter.

I swore I would never get a phone that did more than just that, But I'm all in on that 1 now too, learning every day :-) A computer in my pocket that blows the doors off my first computer LOL

I've got a phone that opens up into a tablet. It has icons for every website you can think of... So far I've used it for..... A phone! I got one text and texted back not to text me anymore.

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