My Thursday Favourites #ccc 2.12

in #palnet5 years ago

My Favourite Seafood Dish/es... or if you do not like seafood, tell us why... 🙃 is what @marblely asks for in her werkly #ccc contest My Thursday Favourites #ccc 2.12.

Since I have not written 200 words yet (this is what is asked for every #ccc contest you join) I need to ramble on, and on and on.

Once there was a time it was common to eat fish on Fridays.

Not with us. On Fridays, we ate the leftovers of the week. I believe this was a Catholic custom and we are not Catholic. Friday was not a bad day if it came to food at all.

We never ate a seafood dish.
It was not common, not Dutch and none of my other family members (even not uncle Jopie a great cook) ever served me fish as far as I can remember.
Might be I ate once or twice Paella but it did not impress me much.

There was a time I loved rolmops. It is more like a snack (herring around pickles in vinegar). At times I eat herring (once a year), mussels (not in the past 2 years), salmon and tuna. Fact is fish is expensive, more expensive as meat and there are no fish shops where I live. They also do not sell it on the market.

I think fish shops are rare nowadays. Might be because supermarkets sell everything, people eat it less or there is a lack of fish.

So the only seafood my children know is the box with chocolate carrying that name. The chocolates have the shape of seahorses, shells, and sea stars, not the kind of seafood I would eat for real.

We eat different from what I ate in my childhood. Pasta, pizza, bread is a big no. Potatoes we eat seldom, we all like rice, but never eat more as two different groups at the same time. Here it is meat and vegetables.

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Que mal, que no puedas comer mucho pescado. Es una fuente rica de omegas, fosforo, y otros. Aunque las cosas en mi país no están muy buenas, aun comemos pescado en primer plano.

Creo que no quieren que comamos pescado. Dicen que los mares están vacíos.

That is so strange. We have plenty of fish, over here. And the Spaniards can't live without fish, too. Could there be a geographical reason for fish being so rare, in the Netherlands?

Congratulations on being featured by @bengy in an entry for the Pay It Forward Contest

We import most of the fish I believe and they started campaigns which fish not to eat years ago. If there is plenty of fish there must be an other reason they brainwash us. @myjob is fisherman and as I understand they have more and more restrictions if it comes to fishing.

Yep, our markets have plenty of fish for everyone. 😁

I’ve always wanted to try paella. Interesting that seafood is not big there. Have you ever tried fish and chips? I quite like that but without beer.

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I have tried fish and chips in England. I like it but it is not Dutch to eat it together. We eat chips with all kind of meat snacks and sauces.
Also Indonesian/Chinese foodrestaurant are very common. You find them everywhere.

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