My favourite game?

in #palnet5 years ago (edited)

This is my entry to @marblely's My Thursday Favourites #ccc 2.23 Contest!.

I noticed the contest earlier but did not know what to write.

I doubt I had a favorite game. My parents never played games with us.
This weeks' theme is "My Favourite Childhood Game/s.
...what game/s did you like to play as kids?
...or game/s you have not stopped playing until today?
...or you did not play any game as a kid?"
I guess @marblely knew I did not play as a kid?

Children like me don't play.
As a toddler, I learned to sit still, be invisible. Perhaps I played later in kindergarten? I am not sure about it. In kindergarten I was ill and so were two other children. The teacher took care of us. She gave us our medication and took care of our skin diseases. I can remember in the afternoon we laid on pillows on the floor, the teacher told us a story. Some of us slept.

At home, we were not allowed to play.
We had to be quiet, sit still, we're not allowed to talk during the meals (the table was set for each meal) and we needed to clean up. It was bedtime early. Between 5 - 6 pm. My parents did not like to be confronted with us. My mother provided us, worked day and night 24/24 and my father studied and left once finished his study.

As a three year old I had a doll. I cut its hair and my mother was furious. I can not remember who gave it to me only that I disliked it.
I never played with barbie dolls, I had a huge lack of fantasy if it came to these dolls.

On Thursday's we were sent to the Los after school. I think it was over after my younger sister fell on a bicycle stand (she walked over it and had a hole between eye and nose).
On Saturday's we joined a walking club. It was no fun and I can still hardly walk.

I was seldom allowed to play with other children after school,
at their home and they rarely came over to us. I can remember once a girl did. We both sat on the sofa and waited till the t.v. the broadcast would start. It was Wednesday afternoon, the only afternoon we had no school. Like a madwoman, my mother pulled the curtains down, kept pulling them downwards repeating the same sentence over and over again...
The girl observed my mother for a long time next asked me, "What is your mother doing".

What did the crazy woman do except for driving me nuts with her ridiculous behavior and embarrassing me?
I told my schoolmate exactly what she did, explained it to her and I noticed she did not understand one single word of it. I guess next we watched t.v. and the curtains finally hung in the way my mother wanted them.

What do kids like me do?
They do not make friends. It is better for me and my friend's safety.
You enjoy the few moments of freedom you have and... you read. You read and escape into a different world as long as possible. Never for 100% because with a mother like mine it is wiser, for your own safety, always to stay alert, day and night.

In those days we had hardly t.v. broadcasting, no computer, game console, video recorder, DVD player, Netflix, mobile phone, digital camera, etc. You played outside, climbed into a tree and watched other children play.

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@wakeupkitty I had such a great childhood and can not even fathom my childhood being like yours. I am so sorry you were not allowed to be a child. My heart truly hurts for you. Best wishes and hoping your days are filled with fun and love.

@myjob There is not much I can change about it. I am born old, never felt like a happy kid full of joy. It was good books exist and I could read at a young age. Thank you for your concern and kind words.
I don't know if my days are filled with fun and love. I think the humor my children have and the same intrest are the best part of my life plus they gave me freedom. 😁💕

@wakeupkitty sometimes children who had, let's say not so good parents, turn out to be the best parents, I am sure you are one of them.

@myjob Perhaps I am and fear to be like them makes me trying harder 🤔 or perhaps it is character. You can not like what you never wanted. My mother hated children. ❤️

@wakeupkitty some women are not made to be a mother, I know one, she has kids and someone else raises them, she needs to be fixed where she can not have anymore.

@myjob I agree and many say they don't like to be one and are forced to be one by family or the husband. I know plenty of them. My grandmother did not want children, my mother did not want them. I would not take them if I started new and two of my children say too they don't want children. It is good if you know yourself and stick to yourself. No one has benefits from a depressed or crazy mother. ❤️

@wakeupkitty so true, a depressed or crazy mother just hurts the child.


"they gave me freedom'?... pls can you develop this idea a bit more? this is it, what i'd be more than happy to get from my baby too, but...

@qwerrie As I became a mom it was at a young age. From that moment on I could rule my own life, had a house, was taken seriously. I was no longer young just the mom of the kid. My children learned from a very young age to keep themselves busy and happy. Already at the age of 2 years old I told them I wanted to read for an hour. After that we talked, did things together. I had less time for reading with more jobs but if I need time for me, to write I yell them and even to shut up or leave the room. ❤️

do they have a father?
unfortunately I cant operate, as I have a full time job 5 days a week and most of our single-baby directing is run by my wife... and I cant say I agree with some of her decisions. there are some I strongly disagree, but in the short time left in the evenings not too much I can do. I am too 'harsh' father, and she is too 'soft' mom -- isnt it a common case? heh

let me share an old jewish... joke? punch? anecdote? idk what it is
so: an old jewish mom used to lock herself in a room, alone for a hour or a few, and when her babies rush into the door asking to open it, she used to say -- shaaa! shut up and go away! -- maaa, what are you doing there? -- I am preparing A Good Mom For You, my dear babies, was the answer.

well... I consider its a very wise example..

@qwerrie That is a problem if you disagree with parts of how they are raised. I raised my 5 children alone next to a more as full-time job (60-80 hours/week) and my own business.
I prepared and raised my children from day 1 to do things themselves, clean up, help out, keep themselves busy and that "who does not work will not eat".
We have a huge garden they mow the lawn (it takes 3 days to do it all) since they are 7, pull weeds, feed the dogs, do the laundry, cook, and bake, etc. I have no time for arguing and do not care if it is a stubborn 3-year-old or teenager. We all work and help each other out. Same we do with homework from school, administration, making the shopping list and cleaning the car. They can clean their own rooms and bed.

I understand that Jewish mom very well. Especially that shouting behind the closed door. Kids but men do that too even if you shower or sit on the toilet. Mine learned not to do it.

I think the only minus here is my bedroom seems to be a public place. It started from the time I became ill and spent the most time on the bed. It is not such a big deal and if I want privacy I tell them to leave or knock first.

Saw a fil yesterday " Horns" A boy is accused of killing his girlfriend, and horns grew out of his head. He has an interesting influence on people they speak the truth... A mother of a terrible kid, (the screaming kid) and his own mother do and I understand them very well.

I hope your children turn out well. I never had big problems with mine and had 11 foster children too. At my house, they all behaved. I set rules. Children try how far they can go, search the limit or border, many adults try the same. If you cannot say no or stop you are in trouble. Once grown up it is better for your kid if it learned to accept some rules, respects personal borders and know how to deal with disappointments. You can not always win, get what you want but that does not mean you cannot have a great life.

I always told my children I am not their maid, slave, housekeeper, cook, etc and more as just a mother plus I do many things in my life I do not like too.

My children do way more as most children. It will only make them better people and make their life easier. Once living alone doing their laundry is an automatically task just like cleaning up and cooking. No one likes a lazy room mate or partner. Because my children have responsibilities they have rights too. They have a voice if it comes to spending money, inviting people etc.

Happy weekend. ❤️

No te leo. Te doy mi voto, pero será mañana que pase de nuevo. Para tratar de leer cual era tu juego preferido. Saludos.

@gertu Mi juego favorito es nada. Yo era un niño que no jugaba. No estaba permitido jugar. Estaba feliz en los raros momentos en que podía leer un libro. Yo leo. Disfruta tu día. 💕

Que mala historia infantil. A mis hermanos y, a mi solo se nos permite jugar con nosotros mismos. Nada de amigos, ni en la escuela ni en casa. Si alguien viene a casa, toca castigo. Nadie debe entrar a nuestra casa. Así pasé mi infancia, jugando, gracias a Dios, con mis hermanos.
Un abrazo solidario.

@gertu Es bueno tener a alguien con quien jugar. Mi hermano menor no se atrevió a jugar. Él solo hizo lo que llegué a casa. Si hizo algo malo, me castigarían por ello.

Yah, in those days, canes and chains were a norm for me. That was how I was disciplined. But still we grew up. Reading is nice. Immerse in our little worlds :)

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@marblely Will you use commentcoin for your contest?

We can use and transfer them again. 😁💕

Ooo yes I forgot. I just added cc into #2.24 :D Thank you for the reminder. I have enough to give away :)

@marblely great you did. If all contests use it and our members do plus freewriters it will not cost much extra work to gather new. Happy Sunday. ❤️

I am very fond of observing other's book shelves and I couldnt but look at yours (thanks for this opportunity!) (also, now I have a question: are you German?..)

1stly I didnt notice any known books to me, except Steven King and Clancy books which I didnt read. (sadly you didnt make the image hi-res clickable!) BUT THEN, I noticed a book athat i place to Top-100 or maybe even Top-10 mustreads (guess what it is? Farm by Orwell). and then, I notice my personal fave book for the last 10 years... please will you guess, what it is? what else do we have in common?..

@qwerrie If it is animal farm you like (a favorite of mine) I hope your other favorite is Brave New World!

"Er ist wieder da" (He's back again) is not that old and I could not spot "The Perfume" best book ever.

I am Dutch. Happy day. ❤️

no! wrong :))))
brave new world isnt my fave... and I didnt see it on your shelves.
the book that penetrated deeply in me, which I resonated with so much, is the swedish trilogy about the girl with the Dragon Tattoo. I have re-read it about 4-5 times, and easily could do more. dont ask me why.. maybe cause it is partly about unjustice.

@qwerrie Brave new world is on top of animal farm.

Interesting choice you made. I read it but did not find it that special. Perhaps I should read it again when I finished my NaNoWriMo 👍❤️

i read it after I was acquainted with the film (all original scandinavian work, not a fake Fincher's Hollywood remake). I had a strong imprinting, as it is named. there is so much intresting stuff there, actually, i can name it 'encyclopedia of swedish life'. yes, it is too verbose, but I like it. for example there is a brilliant piece (ofc it was abridged and could not fit into film) where Erica Berger - already have been worked for the Swedish dragon' newspaper - had a meetingwith its board of directors and persuading them to lower down their own salaries, instead of increase the bonuses. She had a great talk about 'capitalism' and risks. One of my very fave and memorable bits in the book... And it has a lot more. Well, everybody resonates with its own stuff, that for sure. Why do you love what you love? Sometimes its inner magic with no visible reasons. This one worked precious way on me. Thats why I am a bit happy everytime I see a person having it on a shelf :) Would be nice if you give it another chance, but mmm... maybe it will not work on you? it is really a long read and too verbose :=)

@qwerrie A long read is no problem... Might be longer for me because I cannot always sit and hold a book. I gave most books to my eldest and what is left is for the youngest.
The way you tell it makes one enthusiastic for sure. The reason I did not give it away probably says something too.

Thank you for the great book chat. I never saw the film. Have the feeling there are more Scandinavian books and films these days. I am not fond of the Hollywood screaming ones I love English more but America rules us although Trump changed that. I still have English videos and films, series. I like them. It is a world of difference. Less aggression, stress, more thoughtful. Saw the series: Real human?/I believe it is Swedish that makes one think too plus the films about "the 100 year old that climbed out of the window".

Happy weekend. ❤️

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