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RE: Let's Start With Where We Agree - A Look At What's Holding Back The Paradigm Shift

in #palnet5 years ago (edited)

@honeybee posted an opportunity to discuss anarchist policy regarding pandemic response, and I noted that our personal responsibility best enables society to respond to this specific threat. If everyone took action proactively themselves to secure their persons and property from pandemic threats, we'd all be self-quarantined already, no longer touch public surfaces without first wiping them down with bleach, and no longer greet one another by hugging, kissing, or shaking hands. By taking personal responsibility we'd quickly drop the R0 of this virus below 1 and end this pandemic.

Statists glued to the official fake news will not be alerted to the existential reality, and will not be prompted to take nominal action to prevent spread of the disease, necessitating brutal state quarantines and imposition of totalitarian despotism that will disrupt society needlessly and with extreme prejudice. As a result, many statists will lose their lives, property, and freedom.

This is an opportunity to transcend the present statist paradigm, and enable folks capable of reason to adopt personal responsibility to secure themselves.



Statists glued to the official fake news will not be alerted to the existential reality,

Statists wait, and rue the wisdom of hindsight when the state invariably treats them like the child they were groomed into being. The government should not raise you or anyone!

This is an opportunity to transcend the present statist paradigm, and enable folks capable of reason to adopt personal responsibility to secure themselves.

Yes, i've thought similar but not in terms of transcending or opportunity. Moreso in terms of jamming, short-circuiting and deprogramming.

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