The real cause of the fires in Australia may not be what people think; with a lot of Arson started fires showing up!

in #palnet5 years ago

There are 24 people facing criminal charges for Arson in Australia for setting wildfires. Apparently if Global Warming is responsible, liberals feel they need to "help" things along! This implies, that on some level, they KNOW that global warming is a hoax; and they are trying to fill in the gap....

They have enough trouble down under without fools that just happen to have matches!

Image from Pixabay
grassfire pixabay.jpg

Article on Australia's fires blamed on Man Made Global Warming:

When the supporters of Man Made Global Warming decided that fires in Australia and since they are sure that they are caused by Global Warming, they are setting the fires to get enough acreage burned for big headlines!

Global warming is a tactic they use to try and convince people that the world is in terrible danger if they aren’t put in charge.

Why do you think the radical left is obsessed with global warming?

It is POWER, and they Must have it ALL!

Even ABC News had to admit the arson was a major component in the fires, saying:

“About 85 percent are related to human activity, 13 percent confirmed arson and 37 percent suspected arson,” he said. “The remainder are usually due to reckless fire lighting or even just children playing with fire.”

Australia doesn’t need to stop exporting coal, it needs to punish arsonists, and the recent arrests show that they are doing just that but the radical left isn’t happy with such common-sense solutions.

So they have begun to prosecute Arsonists in Australia, and the Global Warming supporters are getting worried that people will figure out the real cause of the out of control fires down south! It should be No surprise, as liberals are Always prone to violence; as a first step to get their way!

The charges are pretty serious, and some will end up in Prison over these charges!

Two dozen people charged with deliberately setting fires are among 183 facing legal action in the state, according to the New South Wales Police Force.

In addition to those facing the most serious charges of starting fires intentionally, authorities said another 53 people are facing legal action for not complying with the state’s fire ban and 47 people have faced legal action for discarding a lit cigarette or match on land.

Starting a bushfire intentionally and being reckless in causing its spread can result in up to 21 years in prison, authorities said.

Legal actions can range “from cautions through to criminal charges,” according to NSW police.

It reports police arrested 183 people nationally for lighting bushfires across Queensland, NSW, Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania in the past few months.

Looks to me like they might be responsible for some actual man made Global Warming, by the arson they are responsible for! Roast these arsonists on the fire line, until the fires are controlled, then put them in prison upon conviction!


Sir smithlabs! It shows how brainless and insane people are. In a way I'm glad we aren't the only ones with nutbags running around but I feel bad for the country.

True, they are insane; and they are willing to burn people to death, so they can lie to them; and blame these fires, on Man Made Global Warming! Logic substitute for the liberal mind, that turns people into sheeple; with mush in place of brains....


Very true and it starts with the indoctrination in the public schools, even in 1st grade. Heck, probably Kindergarten.

So true, Public schools spread the cancer that is socialism! They Must fail, and be replace by local control, for us to survive. AND WE are being forced to fund this crap through our property taxes!


Yeah that's really irritating, the property taxes down here are insane.

Extortion by government tyranny. IF they were teaching students reading, writing, and arithmetic instead of socialist propaganda; it would not be so offensive!


when I started reading about arsonists being involved I dug a bit deeper and found out that the banning of "firebreaks" in some areas have contributed to the spread and how uncontrollable it is in the absence of such things.

I was thinking when this story became global news about how horrible it would be if people with a environmental agenda, people who are so passionately dedicated to the climate change movement (previously known as global warming ) want to badly to be correct about all of this that they will actually stage disasters and make them happen in order to progress such an agenda.

I don't think any of that has been stated in this particular case, but honestly, as crazy as the world is, it wouldn't surprise me.

dug a bit deeper and found out that the banning of "firebreaks" in some areas have contributed to the spread and how uncontrollable it is in the absence of such things.

Yep, I'm here on the ground in Aus and this is 100% correct. It happens more and more. Burn-offs are not permitted so there's more fuel and less access through the scrub for crews trying to reach hotspots.

They cause a lot of these problems, them blame others!


They did the same thing on firebreaks in California and the burns have been impressive! Arson is a small step for these violent people. They will do anything to add power to their control!

Ironic that they can't see the evil they represent, nor the stupidity they display; and they think they are instead good and believe themselves to be brilliant, and are so very deluded!


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Who knew I would get this far? Thanks for the help! I'll try not to waste it....




make sure to check out @maxigan (The Crowhouse) and his latest videos on this..

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Thanks @aagabriel for the upvote! These fires should never have happened!

Those setting them, to "Help" global warming, should be tasked with replanting all the land they burned off, and working the animal hospitals where the harmed animals are being treated!


It's amazing that as evidence collects showing the world the TRUTH of what is going on, we hear almost nothing but screams of "climate change". We can only hope that when enough people wake up, something will be done.

REAL Scientists are speaking out against this Scientific Prostitution called Man Made Global Warming! Their "Data" does NOT support their conclusions.

In the 1970's they used the exact same data to claim we were entering into a new Ice Age!

They just figured out how to weaponize this data by claiming that CO2 (which they can measure and TAX) is at fault! When in truth CO2 has no significant Effect on temperature, and is self correcting due to plant growth.

This is the largest Theft, by scamming, in History!


The word shouldn't be "climate change", it should be "fire-brakes".

They can't allow fire brakes, they would need to start too many new fires that way!


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We are being deliberately burned out😠

Posted using Partiko Android

Looks that way, but they are beginning to arrest the offenders now, so it should begin to slow down....


I too have been looking into this story and have been pretty disgusted by what I have found.

I was stunned, and they usually don't surprise me often! Every time they have hit what I think is a new low, they sink still lower....


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