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RE: Plum Cobbler

in #palnet5 years ago (edited)

@wakeupkitty, here is the definition of "pun" from an online dictionary: "a joke exploiting the different possible meanings of a word or the fact that there are words which sound alike but have different meanings." In this story, there is the fruit called a plum and there is a purple color also called plum. I am not sure why the author put the 'b' on the word "plum" in the last sentence, except that "plumb" can also mean "extremely," emphasizing how good a job the cobbler had done. Furthermore, there is such a thing as a "plum cobbler," a dessert made out of plums, which looks like another play on words. I hope this didn't confuse you further! (@wandrnrose can you explain it better?)


I understand the idea although my English is not good enough I think to understand all different meanings of a word.
Thank you very much for explaining. 👍💕

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for the help @scribblingramma lol, I didn't intend to use "plumb" so I edited that typo. @wakeupkitty

Posted using Partiko Android

OK so it is plums everywhere 😀💕

Posted using Partiko Android

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