Pathocracy... Rule by Psychopaths (Part 2)... ANTI-fa and Omniviolence

in #palnet5 years ago 

 Let's hope they remember this slogan when citizens come after them! 

 One thing that makes me believe that this political psychopathy is voluntary is the ideological consistency. For example it is highly unlikely that you would find a pro-life activist at an ANTI-fa rally (unless they were the victim). Ironically, Oxford defines ANTI-fa as:  a political protest movement comprising autonomous groups affiliated by their militant opposition to fascism and other forms of extreme right-wing ideology. As yesterday's post showed, Crowds on Demand, a nationwide ANTI-fa related group, is anything but autonomous groups. They are bound by a singular ideology and their tactics show their militant opposition to be synonymous with, rather than opposed to Fascism... they are a national group of psychopathic thugs for hire. If their rhetoric was true, shouldn't this be what they're fighting... 

 Yet these are the things that ANTI-fa promotes, and uses violence to get them. 

 Moreover, if this (political psychopathy is voluntary and ideologically consistent) were not the case, a random sampling of psychopaths would find them all across the political spectrum. However, this is not the case- all political psychopaths favor totalitarian regimes such as Socialism/Communism/Fascism- they simply aren't educated enough to understand that any differences between them aren't really differences, merely distinctions without differences. One identifying characteristic of the political psychopath is that everything in their lives revolves around politics- their belief is that government is the solution of all social issues- therefore to control the government is to control society. Political activism is the tool of their trade. So what happens when electronics (the internet, etc.) makes it possible to create mobs anywhere on the globe in minutes? 

 There's an advantage in seeing the world in political terms. Politics requires organization. Societies at large are mostly unorganized. For example it's difficult for the average person to organize a large group of people for a political function, be it a protest or any other. Not so for the political psychopaths. As Crowds on Demand illustrates, they can put together a mob at a day's notice. Now they're using technology to take this global. 

 In an article for Nautilus cross-posted in Technocracy News, author Phil Torres brings up some interesting as well as troubling philosophical points. The first of which deals with technology: This article raises interesting concerns about the ability of violence to be projected from anywhere in the world toward any target. Psychopaths of the future will use technology to disrupt the functioning of the nation-state.  The effectiveness of this has been illustrated by the US military who sit in bunkers in the Nevada desert and use drones to kill targets half a world away. What happens when ANTI-fa or some similar group gets this technology. It's bad enough that they can communicate with their foreign allies (and financial supporters). 

 Technology is, in other words, enabling criminals to target anyone anywhere and, due to democratization, increasingly at scale. Emerging bio-, nano-, and cyber-technologies are becoming more and more accessible. The political scientist Daniel Deudney has a word for what can result: “omniviolence.”  The ratio of killers to killed, or “K/K ratio,” is falling. For example, computer scientist Stuart Russell has vividly described how a small group of malicious agents might engage in omniviolence: “A very, very small quadcopter, one inch in diameter can carry a one-or two-gram shaped charge,” he says. “You can order them from a drone manufacturer in China. You can program the code to say: ‘Here are thousands of photographs of the kinds of things I want to target.’ A one-gram shaped charge can punch a hole in nine millimeters of steel, so presumably you can also punch a hole in someone’s head.  

 Bear in mind that ANTI-fa is comprised of psychopaths with no conscience who believe with every fiber of their being that the end justifies the means. Another consideration is the fact that governments are virtually powerless to stop them.  You can fit about three million of those in a semi-tractor-trailer. You can drive up I-95 with three trucks and have 10 million weapons attacking New York City. They don’t have to be very effective, only 5 or 10% of them have to find the target.” Manufacturers will be producing millions of these drones, available for purchase just as with guns now, Russell points out, “except millions of guns don’t matter unless you have a million soldiers. You need only three guys to write the program and launch.” In this scenario, the K/K ratio could be perhaps 3/1,000,000, assuming a 10-percent accuracy and only a single one-gram shaped charge per drone.   

 I remember this video causing quite a stir when it first came out- people thought it was real. 

 But it does raise some very valid concerns- the technology is already here and AI isn't necessary, only psychopaths willing to use it. AI would raise the efficiency quotient and make mass targets easier to kill, but remember, ANTI-fa only wants to create political terror, not mass executions (for now at least). Once again the government is powerless to stop them... if they even want to, they haven't even raised an eyebrow so far. But it does raise an interesting philosophical point:   What justifies the existence of the state, English philosopher Thomas Hobbes argued, is a “social contract.” People give up certain freedoms in exchange for state-provided security, whereby the state acts as a neutral “referee” that can intervene when people get into disputes, punish people who steal and murder, and enforce contracts signed by parties with competing interests. The trouble is that if anyone anywhere can attack anyone anywhere else, then states will become—and are becoming—unable to satisfy their primary duty as referee. It’s a trend toward anarchy, “the war of all against all,” as Hobbes put it—in other words a condition of everyone living in constant fear of being harmed by their neighbors.  

 Or worse yet, what if these "terrorists" are working at the behest for some rogue agency (agencies?) of the government. Or what if one of the political parties has gone so corrupt that the only way to save itself is political upheaval? If no one can directly trace the source of the drones, one party can blame the other... just as we're seeing with the Russia Hoax and Ukraine. You don't think they'd go this far? These people have no conscience. They will stop at nothing to further their goals and protect themselves. It isn't a question of if, it's merely a matter of when. Psychopaths are incapable of empathy, the only thing that matters to them is themselves and their agenda. ANTI-fa are merely the useful idiots that will do the dirty work- they are cowards... can you imagine their glee when they can use drones to strike targets from the comfort of their mother's basement? 

  Sound dystopian? It sure does to me. “Creating and operating the High-tech Panopticon would require substantial investment,” Bostrom writes, “but thanks to the falling price of cameras, data transmission, storage, and computing, and the rapid advances in AI-enabled content analysis, it may soon become both technologically feasible and affordable.” Bostrom is well-aware of the downsides—corrupt actors in a state could exploit this surveillance for totalitarian ends, or hackers could blackmail unsuspecting victims. Yet the fact is that it may still be a better option than suffering one global catastrophe after another.   

 And thanks to the Deep State (Dems and RINO's) and their financial sleight-of-hand along with bad actors such as George Soros this dystopian future isn't that far away at all. The bad actors doing the programming don't even have to be in the US, it can just as easily be done in some CIA sponsored rogue state- when it comes to technology the sky's the limit. We never learned after the invention of the A-bomb that technology is a double-edged sword... it can be used for good, but ultimately it will be used for evil. The proliferation of technology may well indeed be our downfall- some scientists already predict that AI will turn on us. If it does it will be because it was programmed by psychopaths. The next post will be about the psychopathy of activism- abortion, but I'll leave you with this old ditty from the 1960's by Tom Lehrer called Who's Next (about the "bomb"). 


Good write up pal, I am not a fan of antifa either. I have seen multiple events where the police were not allowing them to cover their faces if they wanted to attend and also searching backpacks and finding loads of makeshift weapons.

In Democratic strongholds like Portland, the cops have a "hands off" policy. They tried to have a rally where I lived but nobody showed up. Thanks!

you live in Portland? Tough place for a non liberal to live.

No I don't live in Portland (I wouldn't even visit). I live in Arkansas.

Tom Lehrer deserves far more recognition for his satire.

He was pretty popular back in the Dark Ages when I was young. I think he was a professor at MIT.

Yeah, he has had a solid career in mathematics.

That's what I remembered. I wonder if I ever saw him kicking around Cambridge and not recognized him???

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